on four-year degree structure
The Senate approved at its meeting on 16 May the proposed curriculum structure
of the four-year degree as the basis for Faculties/Schools to initiate
detailed planning for implementation, and the report outlining progress
made so far was submitted to the University Grants Committee (UGC) at
the end of May 2006. The report details progress of the planning work;
the current thinking on the degree framework; broad plans and proposals
for introducing the elements of the enhanced curriculum; support for the
learning environment; initiatives to enrich student learning and add value
to undergraduate education; transitional arrangements; quality assurance;
and required funding for the transition to the new degree structure.
Update Course 2006
In line with its commitment to promoting educational development in the
community, CityU is running the annual Teachers Update Course throughout
June and July. This year has seen a record-breaking number of participants
sign up for the 43 sessions on offer. More than 2,500 secondary school
teachers and principals, a record since the first Course was held in 1998,
will participate in 8,500 hours of development, which is another record.
These hours count towards educators' Continuing Professional Development,
as required by Hong Kong's Education and Manpower Bureau.
Broadcasting Station
The University has installed six plasma TVs at a number of strategic locations
on campus, including the third floor pedestrian entrance (near the University
Bookstore), the University Concourse and the student canteen. Aiming to
enhance internal communication within the University community, the Communications
Office (COMO) has launched a new initiative known as the "CityU Broadcasting
Station" which makes use of the plasma TVs to broadcast news on university
development, campus events, students and staff achievements, as well as
video clips of interviews, student activities, research demonstrations
and media events. COMO welcomes all departments/offices to suggest and
supply information/content for broadcast. For enquiries, please email:
CityU is committed to nurturing cutting-edge creative media experts and
Graduation Show 06 organized by graduating students from the School of
Creative Media will showcase such talent through a series of 48 innovative
interactive mixed-media installations, automated digital artworks, multi-angled
projections, photography and video projects. The Show is called Medialogue:
Metamorphoses from 24 June to 2 July and demonstrates the high quality
of the creative media work produced within the School.
Professor Frances Yao Foong, currently Head of Department
of Computer Science, has been re-appointed to serve another term of office
from 1 August 2006 to 30 June 2009. Professor Zhou Dingxuan
has been appointed as Head of Department of Mathematics for a term of
office from 1 August 2006 to 31 July 2009. Dr Zhu Guobin's
appointment as Director of External Liaison and Cooperation Office has
been extended until 30 June 2007.
The following staff members have been promoted to the position of Chair
Professor in the 2005¡V2006 Promotion Exercises, with effect from 1 September
2006: Professor Felipe Cucker, Department of Mathematics;
Professor Lau Tai-chu, Department of Biology and Chemistry;
Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on, Department of Information
Systems; and Professor Li Ping, Department of Electronic
Association elections
The results of the election for the CityU Staff Association Executive
Committee 2006¡V2008 held on 14 June saw Dr John Tse Wing-ling,
Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies, elected
as Chairperson; Dr Robin Bradbeer, Associate Professor
in the Department of Electronic Engineering, as Deputy Chairperson;Ms
Lorna Fullgrabe, Senior Lecturer in the Division of Commerce
in the Community College of City University, as Secretary; and Dr
Yeung Lam-fat, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic
Engineering, as Treasurer. The number of votes cast was 100 and 14 officials
in total were elected.
award for outstanding student
Mr James Chen Xiaojun, a Year 3 student in the Department
of Electronic Engineering(EE), has been awarded a prestigious IEEE MTT-S
Undergraduate/Pre-Graduate Scholarship by the IEEE Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society in the US for his outstanding project entitled "A
new technique that improves the efficiency of a linear power amplifier".
His supervisor was Professor (Chair) Chan Chi-hou of
EE. James is the only winner from Hong Kong this year, and only 10 students
from universities worldwide have been given this award this year.
Creative Logo Competition
Mr Sam Chan Hon-sum, an MFA student from the School of
Creative Media, has won 2nd prize at the SME Creative Logo Competition,
organized by the Victoria Junior Chamber, a non-profit making organization
dedicated to developing leadership potential among young people, and supported
by Hong Kong Brand Development Council and Google.
Kong Book Fair selections
The Ming Dynasty: Political and Cultural Changes (in Chinese),
a new volume of the lecture series on the history of Ming Dynasty by CityU's
Chinese Civilisation Centre, has been selected as one of the 40 recommended
titles for the Hong Kong Book Fair 2006 to be held from 19 to 24 July.
On Translation—An Expanded Edition, another book published
by CityU Press, has also been selected.
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