4-year degree curriculum structure
The University has outlined its proposed curriculum structure for the
four-year normative degree and set in motion a campus-wide consultation
process that aims to collect feedback from staff and students. The proposals,
which were unveiled at a University Development Forum for staff on 1 March,
introduce a new curriculum that will help students face the many challenges
posed by today's rapid technological advances, rising interconnectivity
and increasing cultural diversity. The new curriculum will allow students
to acquire broader knowledge in the arts, humanities, law, social sciences,
science and technology, all of which are deemed crucial for preparing
students for the world of work and the future development of Hong Kong
and the mainland. Thus, the proposed structure advocates that a significant
proportion of the credit units needed for graduation should come from
General Education, with the balance made up by taking major, minor and
free electives, to help students build a broad-based education. At the
forum, Professor Richard Ho, Dean of Undergraduate Education,
invited feedback from CityU staff and appealed to the campus community
to take this opportunity to nurture better students. An online survey
to gauge staff opinions is also planned, and CityU students will have
the chance to voice their opinions about the proposals at a forum on 9
for Search Committee for a new President
Two members of staff have been nominated to stand for election as Staff
Representative on the Search Committee for the President, following the
decision of Professor H K Chang, CityU President, to
retire in May 2007. The two nominees are Professor C H Chan,
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Dr John Tse
Wing-ling, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Social
Studies. Polling for the Staff Representative will take place on 13 and
14 March from 9 am to 6 pm in the University Lounge, Room 6105, 6/F, Cheng
Yick-chi Building.
in drug biotechnology
Researchers from the Department
of Biology and Chemistry (BCH) will share their latest research and mature
technologies for the development of drug biotechnology with prominent
members of industry at a CityU Technology Transfer Forum entitled "Advances
in Drug Discovery and Development". Co-organized by CityU's Technology
Transfer Office, Hong Kong Biotechnology Association Limited and Hong
Kong Science & Technology Parks, the talks feature BCH's Professor
David Fong, Professor Michael Yang, and Dr
Cheng Shuk-han, Associate Professor, discussing advanced developments
in traditional Chinese medicine, novel platinum-based anti-tumor drugs,
and drug screening and toxicity testing, respectively. The forum will
take place on 22 March.
shares views on construction industry
CityU will host a talk by Dr
Geoffrey Yeh, Chairman of Hsin Chong International Holdings Ltd,
about developments in the Hong Kong construction industry in a lecture
entitled "Construction Industry in Hong Kong — the Past, the
Present and the Future". The talk is part of the Distinguished Industrialists
Lecture Series organized by the Faculty of Science and Engineering aimed
at inviting prominent industrialists to share their views and experience
with staff and students. Dr Yeh is a Director of Hsin Chong Land Ltd,
as well as a non-executive director of Hysan Development Co Ltd, and China
Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd. The talk will take place
on 10 March in the Wei Hing Theatre.
In keeping with the University's increasingly prominent role as a centre
for specialization in governance and law in the region, Mr C Raj
Kumar, an assistant professor in the School of Law and an expert
in international human rights law, has recently completed a high-level
consultancy with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), acting
as Consultant on a project that looks to strengthen anti-corruption measures
in Sri Lanka. Mr Kumar's report will be used to help establish guidelines
to deal with whistleblower protection with an aim to help eliminate corruption.
and fitness on campus
The "Wellness March", CityU's annual campaign on health and
fitness, celebrated its 10th birthday with an opening ceremony and Quali-Walk
on 3 March, promoting the message that a healthy mind needs a healthy
body. A major event this year is the CityU Badminton Tournament 2006,
organized by the Human Resources Office, which features a special inter-hall
competition. Registration is open until 10 March. More details can be
found at: www.cityu.edu.hk/hro/sr/bt06
Similarly, the Physical Education
Section is running the Exercise Plus Award Scheme 2006 once again to promote
healthy living. The Scheme rewards quantity: the more activities you join
in the CityU Sports complex, the more points you earn, and the more prizes
you can win. All full-time staff and students are welcome.
A group of Year 3 students in the Department of Marketing—Cato
Leung, Roy Li, Heidi Tam and
Ricky Ng—were the 2nd runner-ups in the Convoy
Business Administration Paper 2005 organized by the Hong Kong Federation
of Business Students with an analysis of the topic "Brand strategy
for Convoy — a leading financial planning services provider".
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