Signing ceremony for Shenzhen Outpost
The Shenzhen Outpost, CityU's base for applied research, incubation and
teaching activities on the mainland, moves one step closer to fruition
this week with the formal signing of an agreement between CityU and the
Shenzhen Municipality Government. A delegation of senior officials from
Shenzhen, CityU representatives and officials from the Liaison Office
of the Central People's Government in HKSAR, will attend the Agreement
Signing Ceremony on 6 September at CityU. Professor H K Chang,
President, and Mr Liu Yingli, Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen
Municipality Government, will give speeches. Professor David Tong,
Deputy President, and Mr Lin Bo, Vice Director General,
Administrative Office of Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park, will act
as signatories. The agreement heralds a new era in relations with the
mainland. The Shenzhen Outpost will enable the University to further fulfill
its role to expand its applied research activities and promote training
on the mainland. At the end of the signing ceremony, delegates will visit
the Wireless Communications Research Centre.
Day cum CityU Banquet
CityU will hold the University Day cum CityU Banquet on
the evening of 21 October (Friday). This will be an opportunity to lift
spirits, enhance a sense of campus community, and unify University stakeholders.
The Council has designated
22 October, the day of the inaugural ceremony for City Polytechnic in
1984, as University Anniversary Day, but because 22 October is a Saturday
this year, and this is the first year the University has held a formal
anniversary day, Professor H K Chang, President, has
agreed that the University collaborates with the Studentsˇ¦ Union to transform
the CityU Banquet into a wider event. Professor Y S Wong,
Vice-President (Administration), is chairing the Preparatory Committee.
principles of academic links with the mainland
The Management Board approved four guiding principles
at its meeting on 16 August for establishing future collaborative links
with higher education institutions on the mainland. This follows discussions
at the Steering Committee on Mainland China Policies that a set of principles
was a crucial factor in the process of selecting appropriate partner institutions
as part of CityU's outreach efforts on the mainland to achieve the status
the University deserves.
The first principle is that
CityU should choose partner institutions directly under the authority
of the Ministry of Education, institutions listed under the "211"
and "985" projects, and those universities in the proximity.
The second is that academic exchange links established at the faculty/departmental
level should adhere to the list drawn up in the first principle. The third
is that faculty/departmental level academic links can be established with
institutions which are directly administered by the provincial/municipality
government, and those considered very strong in professional areas of
specialization and/or major subjects. The fourth is that establishing
academic links with newly established private institutions, adult education
institutions/ schools, and self-financed colleges/schools of universities
should be considered very carefully at both institutional and faculty/departmental
Based Teaching and Learning
A plenary session on Outcomes Based Teaching and Learning
(OBTL) was held on 2 September. Professor John Biggs,
an expert in constructive alignment and Principal Consultant of the OBTL
Project, addressed the session. OBTL is a key institution-wide project
for the University arising from discussions in the Quality Assurance Committee
on the recent Teaching and Learning Quality Process Review exercise. Professor
Richard Ho, Dean of Undergraduate Education, working with the
committee, collected input from the Working Group on Constructive Alignment.
The Committee then proposed a corporate approach for implementing OBTL
at CityU which was approved by Senate. By the end of 2006, all programme
aims and objectives and course objectives should be reconstructed to reflect
desirable, measurable learning outcomes and constructive alignment in
the programme curriculum.
for new staff
The Office of the Chief Information Officer has collaborated
with various academic support and administrative units to launch a website
specially designed for new staff. The user-friendly website contains pertinent
information that new staff need to know, such as information about teaching,
learning, and research at CityU, e-tools and the physical campus, as well
as human resources and related academic policies. It can be accessed via
the University e-Portal or at http://www.cityu.edu.hk/stafforientation.
SoftEnable Technology Ltd, an associate company
of CityU Enterprises, won the Platinum Award of 2005 Hong Kong Outstanding
Software Applications Competition,organized by Oracle, HP and Intel. Professor
Horace Ip, Dr Ken Law, and Dr S L Chan
received the award (Manufacturing Category) at the presentation ceremony
held at the Mandarin Hotel on 22 August.
Four students from the Department of Manufacturing Engineering
and Engineering Management won the Siemens (Automation and Drives Division)
Student Project Award in August for their innovative use of Siemens' RFID
equipment in the development of a mobile robotic navigation system. The
successful students are But Tsz-ho, Chan Tat-wai,
Ho Wing-hei and Ng Man-chun.
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