adheres closely to its role statement
At the Senate meeting on 15 March, President
H K Chang reiterated that CityU has been developing in line with
the role statement it received from the University Grants Committee (UGC)
in January 2004. Indeed, the role statement coincides with the University・s
strategic plans which lay down its mission to align academic activities
along the axis of professional education and applied research. The role
statement has been welcomed by the University community which is determined
to carry it out. Recently, in a letter to the UGC, the University reaffirmed
that it has fully embraced the role statement and it will demonstrate
more clearly in the next two years that it adheres strongly and closely
to the role statement.
up the move to a four-year degree structure
Upon request by the UGC to local funded institutions, the University is
preparing a report on student numbers and levels, curricula and pedagogical
issues, and capital requirements associated with the move to the four-year
degree structure. The report is to be submitted to the UGC by 1 April.
After receiving feedback from the UGC in May, CityU will submit a revised
report in October this year.
It was reiterated at a Management Board meeting in late February that
the move to the four-year undergraduate degree structure is one of the
three major tasks facing the University in the medium term. The other
two major tasks internalisation and expansion activities on the mainland.
Meanwhile, to cater for an apparent increase in demand for student residences,
on the basis of providing 1.3 years of hostel residence during students・
four years of undergraduate study, the University might need to revive
its Phase Four development of the Student Hostels on Cornwall Street.
anniversary date
The University management will propose to the Council to establish 22
October as the official University Anniversary Date. The date, 22 October,
was chosen on the grounds that it marks the inauguration of City Polytechnic
in 1984. Another option, 1 January, the day when the City Polytechnic
was formally established in 1984, was not considered appropriate as it
is a public holiday.
and Renmin University collaborate on reciprocal library support
CityU and Renmin University collaborate on reciprocal
library support The Librarians of CityU and Renmin University of China
(RUC) signed a memorandum of cooperation on 8 March, agreeing to provide
reciprocal library support between the two institutions. The agreement
allows students and academics to borrow books, make use of library resources,
and receive library user education services to support their academic
and exchange activities during their stay at each other・s institution.
Professor Steve Ching, CityU Librarian, is actively looking
into opportunities to partner with libraries of related institutions to
enhance library services for students and academics.
staff appointment
Dr Jonathan Webster has been appointed
as Head of the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (CTL)
with effect from 1 April 2005 to 31 July 2008. Dr Webster is currently
Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Acting
Head of CTL.
Professor Jonathan Zhu of Department of English and Communication
has been appointed a Member of the Editorial Board of Human Communication
Research, one of the SSCI journals on communication.
Professor Benjamin T・sou, Director of Language Information
Sciences Research Centre, has been appointed a Member of The National
Language Standardization Technical Committee (Subcommittee on Chinese
Lexicology) of the National Language Commission on the mainland.
Dr Andy Chun, Associate Professor of the Department of
Computer Science, has won the prestigious :Innovative Application of
AI Award; issued by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
in recognition for his traffic information management project for the
Mass Transit Railway Corporation.
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