identity manual
The President recently appointed a Task Group for Corporate
Identity to establish guidelines and provide policies and procedures for
the use of the University Logo. The Task Group, chaired by Professor
Y S Wong, Vice-President (Administration), has produced a Corporate
Identity Manual, based on a study of the manner in which the University
Logo was used. The Manual establishes the main graphic standards, including
colours, typefaces in English and Chinese, sizes, etc, of the University
Logo for use in printed matter, stationery, signage, and other communications
The Task Group will coordinate
and oversee the implementation of the recommendations in the Manual to
develop and maintain a consistent brand image. The implementation date
is 1 September 2004. The Manual has been distributed to all departments/offices.
University Event Management System
To enhance the process of posting departmental events
on the University Homepage, the Office of the Chief Information Officer,
Enterprise Solutions Unit and the Communications Office (COMO) jointly
developed a new online University Event Management System. The new system
provides a common platform for all departments and offices to submit event
details for publicity purposes. The system also provides a search function
which help colleagues to obtain event information. COMO will organize
a briefing session on 14 September for representatives from different
departments/offices/research centres to familiarize themselves with effective
use of the new system. Details: 2788 7468.
Athletes Admission Scheme
In the 2004-05 academic year, the University admitted
a total of 40 outstanding student athletes, including some Hong Kong Team
members, to study in CityU's full-time Bachelor's and Associate Degree
programmes. Since the introduction of the Scheme in 1997, over 200 students
with high sports performance standards have been admitted to CityU.
staff appointments
Professor James Moy has been appointed
Dean of the School of Creative Media, and, concurrently, Professor (Chair)
of Creative Media. Professor Moy assumed duty on 1 September 2004 for
a three-year term.
Professor Peter Malanczuk,
currently Professor (Chair) of Law and Director of the WTO Dispute Resolution
Centre, has been appointed Dean of the School of Law for a term of office
from 6 September 2004 to 31 July 2007.
Professor Roderick
Wong, currently Professor (Chair) of Mathematics and Director
of Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences, has been appointed Dean
of Graduate Studies and Research from 1 October 2004 to 31 July 2007.
On 20 August, President H K Chang greeted Consul-General
of Japan Mr Takanori Kitamura, and Consul, Director of
Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Division, Mr Morio Matsumoto,
who paid a visit to CityU's School of Creative Media and Centre of Super-Diamond
and Advanced Films.
Anniversary updates
In order to build a festive atmosphere on campus, the
Working Group on Logistics and Support plans to hang eye-catching banners
on buildings and produce a 3D sculpture for the Anniversary Logo at the
pedestrian entrance. In addition, the Working Group will also install
two murals at the Arrival Hall on Floor 3 of the Academic Building. The
murals are produced by Professor Yuan Yun Sheng, a renowned
artist from the Chinese mainland.
"The Learned Terra Cotta¡Xa
Solo Exhibition by Solan", 10 am-7 pm, 6 September to 17 October, CityU
Gallery and University Circle. The exhibition features some 40 sets of
over 1,800 pieces of contemporary pottery works. The opening ceremony
to be officiated by CityU's President, the Consul-General of New Zealand,
and the Secretary for Environment, Transport and Works of the Hong Kong
SAR Government, will take place at 5:30 pm, 9 September, at University
The CityU Alumni Association
has united with the Students' Union, the CityU Postgraduate Association,
and the Staff Association, to form a 'Proud of 20' group to organize the
20th Anniversary Walking in Unison for the coming TrailWalker charity
event, 5-7 November. The group hopes to raise
HK$200,000 for the event.
The Organizing Committee calls for help from staff, students and alumni
in four areas: (1) Citywalkers¡Xto take the challenge to complete the
100km walk; (2) Insisters¡Xto accompany Citywalkers on part of the walk;
(3) Tenders¡Xto provide assistance in preparation, training, marketing,
sponsorship, administration, on-site support, etc; and (4) Yeasters¡Xto
promote and spread the event to the community to draw donations for charity.
Interested parties, please visit www.citywalker.org.
The City University Rowing Team won the overall second runner-up in the
10th University Rowing Championship on 22 August 2004.
CityU will organize the annual Information Day from 9:30
am-5 pm, on 25 September. The event, which aims at promoting CityU's programmes
and facilities to prospective students and the general public, includes
talks, exhibitions, video shows, laboratory and campus tours. An activity
highlight: Professor Edmond Ko, Vice-President (Undergraduate
Education) and Dean of Students, will speak on "University Education
and Learning", 11 am-12:30 pm, LT 4.
Casual Day
CityU will take part in this year's Dress Casual Day,
28 September, an annual event for charity organized by the Community Chest.
Details will be announced to staff and students later.
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