Graduate Studies Information Day
CityU will hold its Graduate Studies Information Day on 16 January from 1pm to 6pm at Purple Zone, 4/F, Academic Building, to introduce to prospective postgraduate students the taught postgraduate, professional doctorate and research degree programmes, faculty and teaching facilities at the University. It will feature talks by various colleges and schools on programmes and special topics of interest.
Language conferences
The Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics is hosting three events in January to examine the development of language processing applications that are increasingly important to global society. International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) working group meetings for the management of language resources to be held from 15-17 January will discuss the formation of international standards for the analysis and management of language resources worldwide. The International Workshop on Semantic Annotation from 15-17 January will examine the construction or application of interoperable semantically annotated linguistic resources. This workshop is organised in conjunction with The Second International Conference on Global Interoperability for Language Resources, which will focus on the use of web-based technologies for interoperability and open access to language resources, from 18-21 January.
Law lecture
The School of Law will host a public lecture as part of its Eminent Speakers Lecture Series on "The Puzzles of Parallel Litigation of International Disputes", featuring Professor George A Bermann, Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law & Walter Gellhorn Professor of Law, Columbia Law School. The lecture will take place on 7 January in the Multi-media Conference Room.
Models of maths excellence
Yang Tianyang and Liu Yifang, Year 2 students from the Department of Mathematics and Jiao Shuming, Year 2 student from the Department of Electronic Engineering, have won the first class prize of the China Undergraduate Mathematics Contest in Modelling 2009. More than 12,000 undergraduate teams from 33 provinces, cities and special administrative regions joined the contest. Organised by the Ministry of Education and China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the contest is one of the most significant of its kind on the mainland.
IEEE awards
Three PhD students, Lam Ka-lun, Lee Lap-to and Candy Tung Hoi-yan from the Department of Electronic Engineering, have won first prize in the IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest (Postgraduate Category) for their paper "Fuzzy Recursive ON-OFF Model for Proactive Residential Energy Management System". The students are supervised by Associate Professors Dr Tsang Kin-fung and Dr Ko King-tim. The contest is organised by The IEEE Hong Kong Section annually to encourage IEEE student members in Hong Kong to apply their engineering knowledge to research projects in electrical and electronic engineering.
Wu Biqun, PhD student from the Department of Electronic Engineering, won first prize in the 2009 IEEE Hong Kong Section (Postgraduate) Student Paper Contest for his paper "Design of Wideband Pattern Diversity Antenna for Mobile Communications." Two fellow PhD students from the same department, Lam Ka-lun and Candy Tung Hoi-yan, won third prize in the same contest for their paper, "A Smart Railway Vehicle Positioning / Location Tracking System Based on Active RFID."
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