salary proposals
The University will hold an open forum on 14 April (LT2,
1-2:30 pm, staff card required) on the new salary proposals, to be implemented
1 July 2004 after Council approval.
The salient points of the
new proposal are:
A new set of revised salary
scales will be implemented for those new academic staff and non-academic
staff appointed on and after 1 July 2004.
The new salary scale for
each grade of staff, academic (except for chair professors) or non-academic,
shall specify a range with fixed incremental steps. There will be
no automatic increments, however.
A new pay raise system
will be introduced, based on the budgetary situation of the University
and taking into account "good" or "outstanding"
performance of the staff. Half or one increment of the salary scale
may be awarded.
All current staff will
remain on the existing scales of their respective grades, but they
will be subject to a new pay raise system (and a common incremental
date of 1 July). Serving staff on gratuity-bearing contracts can normally
retain their existing salary scales corresponding to their grades,
when their contracts are renewed.
For those serving staff
whose current salary has reached the maximum point of their respective
scale, there will be no increment/pay raise, except promotion to a
higher grade.
Two new post titles: Senior
Instructor I and II will be introduced for those staff members who
wish to focus on teaching.
Associate Professor Scale
B and Scale A will be merged into one scale. The Lecturer and the
Tutor/Senior Tutor grades will be phased out, with no new appointments
to be made in the future.
If the Government allocates
additional money for cost-of-living adjustment purposes, the University
will apply such an adjustment accordingly.
The aim of the proposals is
to achieve a balance between budget savings while retaining salary competitiveness
in retaining and recruiting staff. A consultation paper has been sent
to all staff.
The Council, on 22 March, approved the incorporation of
a new company, under the leadership of Council member Mr Vincent
Chow, to take charge of the business and financial arrangements
of the new College. Recruitment of a new Principal is also under way.
Two days later, Council Chairman Sir Gordon Wu told the
press that the University may seek Government approval for constructing
a designated College building on campus by 2008. The proposed building
could be located on the hill next to Nam Shan Yuen. Mr S M Chung,
Chairman of the Council Working Group on Associate Degree Programmes,
pointed out that the recommendation for a 20% salary adjustment for College
employees during the 2004-08 transitional period, (effective 1 July 2004),
was arrived at after conducting a thorough financial analysis and viability
study of the College. The group had never taken into account the sector-wide
funding cut 2005-08. He also said that no ex-gratia compensation would
be provided in June 2008 because "it is clearly not a case of genuine
redundancy." The staff representatives, in a letter signed by Dr
John Tse addressed to the University Management, threatened to take industrial
or legal action against the University. On 29 March, Sir Gordon Wu met
with representatives of the Staff Association and heard their concerns.
The Chairman told the staff representatives that the Council had approved
the Working Groups' recommendations and these will not be revisited. The
Council has made its decision and he hoped that the parties concerned
can be forward looking and focus their effort in making the College a
At a workshop "Towards a Learner-centred Undergraduate
Education," co-organized by the Education Development Office and
the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) on 26 March, 50 staff members from
the academic departments and academic support offices met to discuss the
importance and significance of aligning learning outcomes, teaching and
learning activities, and assessment. Participants reviewed the current
practices, identified issues that need to be addressed, and proposed action
plans. The input of the participants will be considered in a policy paper
for the QAC.
Excellence Awards
Eight candidates have been short-listed for the final
selection exercise to take place on 28 April. They are Prof Paul
Chu (AP), Dr Andy Chun (CS), Dr Kevin
Downing (DSS), Dr Mohamed Khalifa (IS), Dr
Joan Leung (SA), Dr Lim Chee-wah (BC), Mr
David Santandreu (LS), and Prof Lilian Vrijmoed
(BCH). Meanwhile, the TEA Plaque will be moved to Level 3, Academic Building,
near the "Red Door" entrance.
In the latest round of the Innovation and Technology Fund, three CityU
researchers received support. Prof Horace Ip, Chair Professor
of Computer Science, has been awarded over HK$1 million, for his project
on using body-driven computer multimedia technology psychotherapy. Dr
Cheng Shuk-han, (BCH), received HK$2.5 million for her project
on developing a system to test traditional Chinese medicine. Prof
Lilian Vrijmoed, (BCH) also received support for a joint project
with Hong Kong University on developing photocatalytic disinfection technology
for air quality improvement.
Ms Caroline Hu Yee-man,
second-year student in the Master of Fine Arts in Media Design and Technology
programme, has been invited to the Cannes Film Festival in France, 9 May,
under Kodak's "Emerging Filmmakers Programme."
Four students in the Division
of Language Studies, Tracy Yeung, Morning Leung,
Jessie Lee and Wang Jing have won prizes
in the first French speech-writing contest organized by the Consulate-General
of France in Hong Kong.
"Symposium on the Celebration of the 600th Anniversary of Zheng He's
Maritime Expedition," organized by the Centre for Cross-Cultural
Studies, 14-16 April, CCIV AV Room.

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