25th anniversary
President Professor Way Kuo officially announced the
start of the CityU 25th Anniversary festivities on 11 November, pointing
out that the year ahead represented an unprecedented opportunity to highlight
the University's achievements and emphasis on quality teaching and research.
In conjunction with the silver jubilee launch, a special anniversary website
and the World-class University anniversary logo were also unveiled.
Dr Ellen Ko Law Yin-lan, Vice-President
(Administration), is chairing the 25th Anniversary Organising Committee,
and invites all staff members to offer possible suggestions of anniversary
events that could be staged to mark the special occasion. Emails can be
sent to the organising team at: cityu25@cityu.edu.hk.
Review panel
Four distinguished academics from US universities and a local expert will
visit the School of Creative Media from 17-19 November. The purpose of
the visit is to provide expert advice on the strategic direction of the
school in order to enhance its academic programmes, focus its research
agenda and target local preeminence and global leadership in the field.
Three professors have been elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is widely regarded as the world's
leading professional association for the advancement of technology. Professor
Keith Zhang Qitu, Department of Electronic Engineering, was nominated
for his outstanding contributions in the area of wireless communications
and distinguished services to IEEE. From the same department, Professor
Man Kim-fung earned the fellowship for his contributions to evolutionary
optimisation in industrial electronics. Professor Gary Feng Gang,
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, was
named for his contributions to theory and the application of fuzzy systems
and control. CityU now boasts 11 IEEE Fellows.
The 14th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes
will be held at CityU from 3-5 December. The conference theme is "World
Englishes and World Languages: Convergence, Enrichment or Death?" What
follows are a number of research topics under which the conference and
the discussion on world Englishes can go forward. The conference convenor
is Professor Jonathan Webster, Head of the Department of Chinese, Translation
and Linguistics.
Robotic surgery
A workshop entitled Exploring Microtechnologies for Surgery is to be hosted
at CityU on 29 November. The workshop focuses on robotic surgery and will
include a number of the world's most renowned experts in the field, including
speakers who carried out the first autonomous robotic surgery two years
ago. State-of-the-art technologies will also be presented with a view
to stimulating discussion on new tools to be developed for surgery.
Art for
An art exhibition entitled "Home" will showcase student works from the
School of Creative Media (SCM) and by artists from around the world, from
22 November to 5 December at Delay No Mall in Causeway Bay. The exhibition
will raise funds for Sichuan earthquake victims. The exhibition is jointly
organised by SCM Society of CityU, Art Fete Brings Hope, Oxfam and Retumu
from Shenzhen.
media plaudits
Prestigious awards and accolades have been earned by three School of Creative
Media graduates; Choi Sai-ho, 2008 graduate of Master
of Fine Arts in Creative Media, Siu Chi-man, 2005 graduate
of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Media, and Hui Fong-wah,
2003 graduate of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Creative Media. Choi Sai-ho
was ranked eight among the top 20 musicians in Hong Kong by TimeOut
Hong Kong. Siu Chi-man received the prestigious Asian Cultural Council
Fellowship 2007, a twelve-month fellowship to conduct research on video
and digital media in the US. Hui Fong-wah was named the Bloomberg Emerging
Artist by the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation.
Dr Dou Wenyu, Associate Professor of Department of Marketing,
won a Best Paper Award in the 2008 Marketing Science Conference, held
in Xian, China. This prestigious conference attracts marketing scholars
from all over China. The paper investigates consumers' attitudes towards
advertising in online social networks. Co-authors of the paper included
Assistant Professor Dr Wei Liyuan and Ms Huang
Li (MPhil student) from the Department of Marketing, and Dr
Zeng Fu E from Wuhan University.
Dr Yue Xiaodong, Associate Professor of Department of
Applied Social Studies, was awarded the Outstanding Humanity Award organised
by the International Association of Chinese Medical Specialists and Psychologists
for recognition of his efforts in helping Sichuan earthquake victims.
Top papers
Ms Wong Po-yee, graduate of the BBA (Hons) Accountancy
programme, and Mr Tsui Kam-yiu, graduate of the Master
of Arts in Professional Accounting and Information Systems, received awards
for professional papers in the ACCA examination June 2008 session. The
awards are given to students who score the highest mark for a particular
paper in Hong Kong.
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