and congregation
The Installation of President cum Honorary Awards Ceremony will be held
on 11 November (Tuesday) at the Chan Tai Ho Multi-purpose Hall. The Chancellor,
The Hon Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, Chief Executive of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, will preside at the ceremony
to formally install Professor Way Kuo as the President
of the University. He will also confer Honorary Degrees on The
Hon Mr Justice Patrick Chan, Permanent Judge of the Court of
Final Appeal, Dr Chow Yei-ching, GBS,
Chairman and Managing Director of the Chevalier Group of Companies, and
Mr Sze Chi-ching, JP, Chairman
of Hang Tung Resources Holding, in recognition of their significant contribution
to education and the well-being of society.
The 2008 Congregation will be held from 12-21 November
and more than 9,000 awards, ranging from PhDs to associate degrees, will
be conferred on CityU students.
CityU banquet
The annual CityU Banquet organised by the Students' Union of CityU was
held on 31 October. It was a sell-out event, with 188 tables and more
than 2,000 present, including Council members, staff, alumni and students.
Among the guests were Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, University
Pro-Chancellor; Mr Leung Chun-ying, Council Chairman
and Professor Way Kuo, the President.
CityU has been awarded an $8.7 million government consultancy project
that will develop a new set of water quality standards, enabling Hong
Kong to more effectively protect our marine environment and its resources.
Led by Professor (Chair) Rudolf Wu Shiu-sun, from the
Department of Biology and Chemistry, the consultancy project will form
part of the blueprint on the future management and control of water quality
in Hong Kong. Team members include Dr Doris Au Wai-ting,
Dr Richard Kong Yuen-chong and Dr Paul Shin Kam-shing,
Associate Professors from the same Department.
Judge training
The School of Law officially signed an agreement with Columbia University
School of Law (CLS) of the US on 29 October to develop a training programme
geared towards providing advanced legal education and improving the international
exposure of Chinese judges. Under the agreement, CityU and CLS will hold
a one-month training programme for 30 Chinese judges recommended by the
National Judges College and selected by CityU School of Law.
and arbitration
The Department of English is organising an International Symposium on
"Witness examination in litigation and arbitration" on 6 November. The
symposium brings together some of the best known local and international
experts from Legal and Arbitration practices as well as from Forensic
Linguistics and Discourse Analysis.
CTL conference
The Fourth International Conference on Literature and Information Technology
organised by the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (CTL)
will be held from 11-13 November at CityU. Scholars in literature, linguistics
and information technology will be invited to explore new opportunities,
conditions and new research directions and methods utilising the extensive
application of computers. Professor Martin Painter, Acting
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor
Jonathan Webster, Head of CTL will attend the opening ceremony.
Web award
CityU was presented a Web Care Award by the Internet Professionals Association
in recognition of their meeting the primary "no barrier websites" requirements.
The web care silver award was accorded to the CityU Homepage and the University's
centrally maintained web pages in recognition of the University's commitment
to web accessibility and support of the Web Care Campaign.
Movie premiere
High Noon, the first movie directed by Creative Media graduate
Heiward Mak Hei-yan, will premiere on 6 November. A special
screening for CityU staff and students will be held on the same day at
UA Langham Place cinema in Mongkok. Heiward will join the seminar right
after the screening.
The CityU 2007 Annual Report has been honoured with a Citation for Design
at the 2008 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards for the outstanding presentation
of its publication.
Dr Bertha Du-Babcock, Associate Professor
in the Department of English, has won the 2008 Association for Business
Communication's Kitty O Locker Outstanding Researcher Award. This award
is given to the individual from the discipline of business communication
who has demonstrated consistent, significant contributions to business
communication research and whose work has furthered thought in the interdisciplinary
field of business communication.
Sports achievements
CityU Sports Teams enjoyed success in the inter-collegiate sports competitions
on 25-26 October. Both the men's and women's swimming teams were third
overall in the Annual Aquatic Meet organised by the University Sports
Federation of Hong Kong, China. The men's and women's volleyball teams
were second and the women's table tennis team and men's soccer team were
crowned champions in the Jackie Chan Challenge Cup organised by Lingnan
University. CityU also won the men's division in the annual Inter-University
Cross Country Championships. The women's team was runner-up.
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