Quake relief
CityU faculty, staff, students and alumni generously raised HK$447,046.28
between 14 May and 26 May for victims of the Sichuan earthquake. All proceeds
will be passed to the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government
in the Hong Kong SAR to support the rebuilding of primary schools.
CityU is introducing the Long Term Loan Scheme, allowing all eligible
students to borrow a notebook computer for a maximum period of two-and-a-half
years. The new scheme will be introduced in Semester A 2008/09 on a pilot
basis to cover UGC-funded full-time first year and second year undergraduates
(and year one to year three students in four-year degree programme) and
first year associate degree students in the preliminary phase. Consideration
can be given to extending the scheme to other students. Both the hardware
and the necessary software will be provided free-of-charge during the
loan period.
economist gives lecture
The Run Run Shaw Library and the Department of Economics and Finance (EF)
have invited Professor Cheng Hsiao from the University
of Southern California to give a lecture on 5 June at the Library Lounge,
under the theme "Measuring the benefits of political and economic
integration of Hong Kong with the mainland". Professor Hsiao is a
fellow of Academia Sinica and an Honorary Professor in EF. He publishes
extensively in the area of econometrics.
Update Course
The Teachers Update Course 2008, which offers training to Hong Kong's
secondary school teachers, will feature more than 30 sessions this year.
The 14 June opening ceremony will be officiated by Dr Chan Ka-ki,
Principal Assistant Secretary, Education Bureau, and Professor
Way Kuo, CityU President. School principles and teachers will
benefit from a range of sessions focusing on Chinese Language, Literature
and Culture, English, Biology, Physics, Social Administration, Computer
Studies, Engineering and others. All activities are free-of-charge.
The Governance in Asia Research Centre (GARC) and SynergyNet will jointly
organise the "Public Forum on Hong Kong Healthcare Reform",
the second of its public policy roundtable series. The 5 June forum aims
to generate and give voice to more diverse policy views regarding healthcare
in Hong Kong. GARC Director, Professor Julia Tao Lai Po-wah,
and Professor Lui Tai-lok, Vice-Chairman, SynergyNet,
will give a welcome speech. Guest speakers include the Honourable
Dr York Chow Yat-ngok, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR;
the Honourable Dr Leong Che-hung, Chairman, Elderly Commission;
Dr Louis Shih, Chairman, SynergyNet; and Dr Ho
Hung-kwong, President, Hong Kong Public Doctors' Association.
The Department of Mathematics and the Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical
Sciences is holding the "International Conference on Applied Mathematics:
Modelling, Analysis and Computation" from 1 June to 5 June. The conference
will provide a forum for world-wide applied mathematicians to present
their recent research results, to exchange research ideas and to discuss
future trends. This conference consists of plenary lectures, 30-minute
invited talks, 20-minute contributed talks and poster presentations. Professor
(Chair) Roderick Wong Sue-cheun, Vice-President (Research) and
Director of the Centre, will be one of the plenary speakers.
CityU's industrial and logistics technologies were the focus of a study
tour by business and industry leaders from the Hong Kong General Chamber
of Commerce on 28 May. The 30-member group was hosted by CityU Professional
Services. Visitors were shown CityU's state-of-the-art technology in wireless
communications and optoelectronics, quality assurance, efficiency improvement
and logistics during the tour of the RFID applications mini-library, Wireless
Communications Research Centre, Optoelectronics Laboratory, Advanced Coatings
Applied Research Laboratory and others.
CityU co-organised a conference entitled "Emerging Paradigms for Academic
Library E-Book Acquisition and Use: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities"
on 3 June to exchange experiences and best practices in strategic collection
development, acquisitions, promotions and use of E-Books. The conference
was a closing event of the Electronic Resources Academic Library Link
joint project, involving all eight UGC-funded libraries.
Law commentary
Professor (Chair) Wang Guiguo, Dean of the School of
Law, was invited by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce to be a
commentator at its roundtable luncheon held on 21 May. The topic was "WTO
Doha Round ¡X The last mile?" and in attendance were CEOs and Consulate
Film awards
Sunny Chan Ming-yau, a Year 1 Associate of Art in Media
Technology student with the School of Creative Media, received the Best
Short Video prize in a competition organised by Asia Television Limited
under the theme, "The Warmest Message to Mother".
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