takes office
Professor Way Kuo assumed the presidency of CityU on
14 May, an appointment he described as a great honour. As the new leader
of CityU, he sent an email to all staff, students and alumni, inviting
the University community to work with him to face future challenges and
drive CityU to an even higher level. High on his agenda is the enhancement
of quality in both teaching and research. The University has embarked
on an ambitious programme of physical expansion to accommodate the expected
surge in undergraduate enrolment under the new 334 academic structure
slated for 2012. An increase in size, he believes, must be accompanied
by an improvement in quality, with clear benchmarks for validation. Former
Acting President Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki will serve
as Special Advisor to the President until further notice.
Senior appointments
Starting from 18 July 2008, Professor Horace Ip Ho-shing,
currently Chair Professor in the Department of Computer Science, will
assume the role of Acting Dean of the School of Creative Media until further
notice. Professor Kenneth Chan Shun-yuen has been appointed
as Head of Department of Economics and Finance from 1 September 2008 to
30 June 2011. He joined CityU as Professor in January 2006 and has been
serving as Associate Dean of Faculty of Business since July 2007.
UN appointment
Professor (Chair) Rudolf Wu Shiu-sun, from the Department
of Biology and Chemistry and Director of the Centre for Marine Environmental
Research and Innovative Technology (MERIT), has been appointed a member
of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental
Protection (GESAMP). GESAMP is a high level non-governmental advisory
body sponsored by eight United Nations organisations, with a mandate to
provide authoritative, independent and interdisciplinary advice to governments
around the world on policies and issues relating to marine environmental
The earthquake that struck central China on 12 May took away the lives
of tens of thousands of people, flattened houses and schools, cut off
water, electricity and food supplies and paralysed transport systems in
many counties and cities. To support the emergency relief operation, the
University is encouraging donations via deposits to CityU's bank account
at Hang Seng Bank (account number: 024-293-1-187708) by 26 May 2008. The
funds will be used chiefly for rebuilding primary schools. Money collected
will be passed to a reputable charity organisation.
In addition, the University has also set up the CityU Support
Group for Sichuan Earthquake Victims to assist victims at large and any
members of the CityU community who may have suffered misfortune as a result
of the disaster.
City Cultural
The Cultural and Sports Committee will organise the City Cultural Salon
on 22 May. Professor Way Kuo, University President, will
share his thoughts and research on reliability. The topic of his speech
is "Reliability: as we see it today and in the past". Attendance
is by invitation.
Professor (Chair) Wang Guiguo, Dean of the School of
Law, was invited to deliver a lecture at the United Nations headquarters
in New York for the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International
Law. Professor Wang's lecture "Redefining sovereignty in the globalised
world" was recorded in two parts. They will be available, via internet,
to everyone interested in the area of international law through the United
Nations home page from October 2008.
City Literary
The prize presentation ceremony for the third City Literary Awards writing
competition, hosted by CityU, was held on 17 May, with students from the
University claiming seven of the 16 prizes on offer in three categories,
namely prose, poetry and short story.
Outstanding student projects from the Faculty of Science and Engineering
(FSE) will be showcased from 26 May to 27 May. The students' innovation
and enthusiasm in technological investigations is evident in the display
of project posters and product demonstrations. The exhibition will be
opened from 2pm to 6pm at the Multi-purpose Rooms. Eight best poster presentation
awards will be presented to students of the constituent departments by
Professor (Chair) Chan Chi-hou, Dean of FSE, at the closing ceremony
on 27 May.
CityU Gallery will present an exhibition of contemporary calligraphy by
Mr David Chan from 30 May to 27 June. The exhibition,
From "A Hundred Tastes" to "Forgiveness", will be
opened at 6pm on 30 May. Mr Tang Ho-chiu, Chief Curator
of Hong Kong Museum of Art, Mrs Priscilla Lui
Tsang Sun-Kai, Director of Against Child Abuse, and Mr
James Ng Kam-ming, Chairman of CityU Gallery Management Committee
and Executive Director of CityU Extension, will officiate at the opening
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