The Tin Ka Ping Education Fund launching ceremony was held at CityU on
25 March to acknowledge the generosity of Dr Tin Ka Ping,
Chairman of the K P Tin Foundation. The fund will finance the "Mainland
Scholars Exchange Programme", in which about 10 visiting scholars
will visit CityU a year. The University will use the money to subsidise
interaction between outstanding scholars from the mainland and at CityU,
including teaching activities, scientific research, interviews and seminars.
A University Development Forum was held on 20 March, during which the
University shared with staff and students information on the progress
made in preparing for the transition to a four-year normative degree structure
and exchanged views on the issue. The Senate approved the four-year curriculum
structure in 2006 to provide the framework upon which the University will
design the new four-year curriculum. To assist faculties and schools with
implementation of this new degree structure, the Four-Year Curriculum
Implementation Group has completed a draft consultation document for the
new structure of undergraduate degrees, which will replace existing regulations.
The revised consultation document on The Structure of Undergraduate Degrees
will be sent for Senate approval in May this year after views have been
sought and consolidated from faculties and departments.
Robot challenge
The final of the Hong Kong Underwater Robot Challenge 2008, jointly organised
by WWF and CityU, will be held on 5 April and 6 April. Finalists from
21 local secondary schools will compete in this unique event, while a
special CityU team will also demonstrate their robot. The competition
is the regional stage of an international event, with winners of the challenge
at CityU sharing an $8,000 prize pool and earning the right to attend
the 2008 International Finals held in San Diego, United States.
lecture series
The School of Law (SLW) is holding a public lecture on "The Independence
of the ICC and Safeguards against Political Influence", with special
guest speaker, the Hon J Sang-Hyun Song, a serving judge
with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands. The lecture
will take place on 10 April with a welcoming address by SLW's Professor
Wang Guiguo, Dean and Professor (Chair) of Chinese and Comparative
Law. The lecture will be held in the Jurors Assembly Room at the High
Online art
The University's inventory of artworks can now be viewed online, following
the launch of the digital gallery of the CityU Artwork Collection. The
gallery can be found on the website of the Run Run Shaw Library, at www.cityu.edu.hk/lib/digital/artwork.
The University has collected some 800 art pieces, including calligraphies,
ceramics, drawings, paintings, photographs, prints and sculptures.
Professor (Chair) Leung Kwok, Head of the Department
of Management, has become the first scholar from the Greater China region
to be elected as Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB)
for his contribution to international business studies. There are around
80 AIB fellows worldwide and only three in Asia. AIB was established in
1959 and now has more than 3,000 members in 71 countries. The academy
is the leading association of scholars and specialists in the field of
international business.
Service Awards
Four CityU students have been granted Outstanding Service Awards this
year in recognition of their outstanding leadership and devotion to serving
fellow students, the University and the community. Mok Wai-yin,
Department of Applied Social Studies; Li Yik-ting, Department
of Accountancy; Jessica Tse Yuen-yan, Department of English
and Communication; and Isaac Yeung Chi-hin, Department
of Marketing were among the 20 tertiary students winning the awards this
year. The awards were established in 1991 and jointly administered by
the Hong Kong Student Services Association and the Hong Kong Outstanding
Tertiary Students' Services Association. The awards presentation ceremony
will be held on 5 April.
Four CityU undergraduate students have been awarded the Hong Kong Jockey
Club Scholarship for their outstanding academic performance and participation
in extra-curricular activities and community services. Ho Hoi-fai
and Man Ho-yin are Year 2 students in the School
of Law, while Shirley Choi Ying-cheung and Eric
Chen Zixiang are Year 1 students in the Department of Applied
Social Studies and Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering
Management respectively.
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