Discover CityU students' archievements and outstanding performance!

CityU Squash Players Triumph for Hong Kong
大學生運動會 城大壁球手奪金摘銅
CityU “Auxies” Win Top Training Awards
輔警大學生計劃 城大生奪殊榮
Omnibus on the Silk Road
城大巴士之旅 探索絲綢之路
Over 80 Students Experience Global Internships
Key to Success in University Life
內地生迎新日 學長分享經驗
Leadership Challenge for Residence Tutors
領䄂訓練營 培養領導才能
University Life Induction Day: Freshmen, welcome to CityU!
Diverse Training Programmes Enhance Students’ Competitiveness
多方面培訓 提升競爭力
Student Residence Awarded for Domestic Waste Separation
推動廢物分類 城大宿舍榮獲嘉許