Curricular Components

Curricular Components Requirements
Research Experience Complete EACH of the following:
  • Perform a two-semester long Final Year Project (FYP) with the topic related to at least one of the 14 Grand Challenges;
  • Present the FYP in the College’s annual Student Project Exhibition; and
  • Conduct a two-month summer research project* (minimum of 120 hours) with the theme related to one of the 14 Grand Challenges and submit a final report and a poster. 
*Students who already have other equivalent research exposure could apply for exemption from the summer research project.
Interdisciplinary Curriculum Complete at least 4 GE courses from an approved list#:
  • Courses need to demonstrate the interdisciplinary component (i.e. minimum one course each from Area 1, 2 and 3) and relationship with the chosen Grand Challenge(s).
Entrepreneurship Complete the following:
  • Participate in at least one business plan  (e.g. HK Tech 300) / pitching competition and submit a reflective essay to articulate the linkage between the experience and the chosen Grand Challenge after completion of the competition.
Global Dimension Complete ONE of the following activities:
  • Overseas Student Exchange Program
  • Overseas Internship Scheme (OIS)
  • Cultural and Language Immersion Scheme (CALIS)
  • Overseas Study Tours
  • Overseas Summer School
  • Overseas Competition
And, submit a reflective essay to articulate the linkage between the global experience and the Grand Challenge.
Service Learning Complete ONE of the following activities:
  • Community Engagement Programme (CEP)
    • Minimum of 30 hours of services
    • Submit a report to the faculty mentor to reflect on the overall experience
  • Servant Leadership Training Program (SLTP)
    • Meet the requirements laid down by the SLTP
    • Obtain endorsement on the completion of the program
  • Engineers Without Borders Global Citizenship Program (EWB GCP)
    • Meet the requirements laid down by the EWB GCP
    • Obtain endorsement on the completion of the program
  • Other service learning activities related to the 14 Grand Challenges
    • Prior approval needs to be sought from the steering committee
    • Minimum of 30 hours of services
    • Submit a report to the faculty mentor to reflect on the overall experience

#Courses listed below are examples only. Please select the course(s) NOT offered by your home department. (Students may consult the committee for other choices outside the list).

Area 1: Arts and Humanities

GE1102 Cinema: East and West
GE1105 Chinese Music Appreciation
GE1113 Visual Storytelling and Cultural Thinking
GE1117 Music and Human Values – Philosophical Investigations
GE1120 Thinking Philosophically: Bridging the Gap between Arts and Sciences
GE1125 Architecture and Space in Chinese Culture
GE1137 Movies and Psychology
GE2105 Popular Culture
GE2109 Love, Sex, and Relationships: Psychological Perspectives
GE2120 Asian Values and Managerial Practices
GE2128 The Sounds of the World’s Languages
GE2129 Psychology for Young Professionals
GE2134 Critical and Creative Thinking

Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations

GE1201 Information Management and its Social Impact
GE1202 Managing Your Personal Finance
GE1205 Green Economics
GE1220 Enhancing Your Service Leadership for the 21st Century
GE1222 Contemporary Accounting
GE1223 Public Health Communication
GE2204 Business Ethics and Society
GE2211 Sexuality, Culture and Diversity
GE2220 Sustainable Business: Doing Good Business While Doing Good
GE2223 Interpersonal Skills and Positive Personal Development
GE2227 Preservation and Revitalization of Buildings with Heritage Value inside City Environments
GE2230 Revolutions in Global Business
GE2231 Business, Media and Society
GE2239 Food: Culture, Science and Society
GE2256 Applications of Game Theory to Business
GE2258 Introduction to Economics
GE2260 Introduction to Finance
GE3202 Citizen Journalism and Civil Society

Area 3: Science and Technology

GE1301 Climate Change and Extreme Weather
GE1305 Foundation Physics
GE1337 Urban Green City: Pollution and Solution
GE1338 Seeing is Believing, or is it?
GE1339 Wireless Connectivity in Modern Society
GE1340 Materials, Civilization and Modern Development
GE1341 Life and Health
GE1342 Light: from Double Rainbows to Optical Fibers
GE1350 Essential Maths in Daily Life
GE1352 How Your Brain Works
GE1354 Introduction to Electronic Design
GE2301 Science and Technology: Fascinating Mechanical Engineering
GE2303 Save the Earth: Sustainable Development
GE2306 Energy and Technology
GE2322 The Nobel Prize: A Discovery Approach to Human Greatness 
GE2324 The Art and Science of Data
GE2329 Green Buildings: Discovery & Innovations
GE2333 The Science of Cosmetics

Suggested Curricular Plan

Year 1
  • Submit application in the second semester
  • Successful candidates will receive conditional offer
  • Take relevant Gateway Education courses in Areas 1-3 to fulfil “interdisciplinary curriculum” requirement
  • Participate in service learning activities (if applicable)
  • Submit Annual Progress Report
Year 2 & 3
  • Submit detailed Research Proposal and Curricular Plan to the assessment panel (First semester of Year 2)
  • Successful candidates will receive offer to GCSP
  • Continue to take relevant Gateway Education courses in Areas 1-3 to fulfill “interdisciplinary curriculum” requirement
  • Take GE2304 Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Young Professionals
  • Participate in entrepreneurship contests/competitions
  • Participate in at least one cross cultural activity
  • Participate in service learning activities
  • Conduct the proposed 2-month summer research project during Year 2 or Year 3 summer.
  • Submit Annual Progress Reports
Year 4
  • Complete Final Year Project (FYP)
  • Complete any requirements of the 5 components which have not been fulfilled.
  • Submit Annual Progress Report 
  • Notify committee about the completion of the program.  Submit final portfolio and reflective essay to demonstrate how the learning and activities carried out in the five components relate to the selected Grand Challenge

Summer Research Project

Each GCSP scholar has to complete a two-month summer research project/equivalent research project in order to fulfil the component of “Research Experience”. It can be an individual or a group project.

Composition of each group project

  • Maximum three students in each group.
    • Justifications for manpower needs have to be made by indicating workload of each member in the research proposal.
  • Each group can be comprised of students from different years, Departments, Schools/Colleges*.
  • The leader of each group must be a GCSP scholar.
    *Priority will be given to groups with more than 50% CENG students.


The College may provide subsidy to summer research project. Reimbursement after the successful completion of the project will apply.

  • Materials subsidy per group cap at HK$1,000 on reimbursement basis (Justifications have to be made).
  • Additional resources may be provided to overseas project.
    • For overseas project in Mainland, 50% of the total travel expense or $2,000, whichever is lower may be subsidized on a case-by case basis.
    • For overseas project in any other places, 50% of the total travel expense or $4,000, whichever is lower may be subsidized on a case-by case basis.

Selection Criteria

  • The originality of the Research Project.
  • The alignment between the Research Project and the 14 Grand Challenges.
  • Multi-discipline topics addressing the Grand Challenges are recommended.

Outcome of each project

  • Complete a minimum of 120 hours of research for each project.
  • Approved by one or more GCSP mentors.
  • Submit a final report, a poster and a log book for recording research progress* to the Steering Committee by mid-September.
    *No allowance will be provided if students fail to submit a final report, a poster and a log book.
  • Selected projects will be presented in the Discovery and Innovation Gala.

Important Notes

  • GCSP scholars (Year 2 or above) have to submit a detailed proposal, a detailed curricular plan and/or a budget plan for the summer research project to the Steering Committee by early April.
  • Results for Stage Two application and summer research project subsidy will be announced in May.
  • The summer research project is expected to begin after the examination.
  • GCSP scholars have to contact their mentors before starting the research project, and should meet their mentors regularly during summer.

