5.9 北極熊和奧巴馬全球警號
Polar Bear/Global Warning
Rob Pruitt


Silkscreen on chromed linen on panel
106.7cm (H) x 82.6cm (W) x 5cm (D)

美國當代藝術家Rob Pruitt,作品多變而富諷刺意味,惹來哄動之餘,亦對社會、文化或藝術有所批判。這幅作品將一張相當著名,標誌全球暖化和北極融化的北極熊相片,結合奧巴馬制止全球暖化的政治名言。

Rob Pruitt is a contemporary American artist whose work is eclectic and ironic, often striving to achieve a spectacle while retaining a sense of social, cultural, or artistic critique. In this artwork he amalgamates the well-known icon of a polar bear signalling global warming and Arctic melting with Barack Obama’s political statement to fight climate change.
Rob Pruitt

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