5.3 古董級垃圾研發公司在苗栗之一
Antiquity-like Rubbish Research & Development Syndicate at Miaoli #01
葉偉立|Yeh Wei-Li

2012 柯達 Duraclear 透片、木與鐵構燈箱

Kodak Duraclear transparency, wood and metal lightbox
85cm (H) x 105cm (W) x 14cm (D)


The series Antiquity-like Rubbish Research & Development Syndicate is an enterprise about questioning and shifting the identity of objects. Through association with personal identity, the artist rediscovers the functions of old places and objects and gives history a new lease on life through fantasy, reshaping and participation. This work allows nameless places and roving debris to find their place and, in so doing, builds a history of abandonment. Concurrently, the returning artist also finds the artist’s personal identity and weaves himself, a Taiwanese expatriate, into local history.

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