5.2 牛
Der Blosch
Ernst Oppliger

紙 (複本)

Paper (reproduction)
43cm (H) x 43cm (W)

Ernst Oppliger是名著名的瑞士剪紙藝術家。他用傳統剪紙技術,剪成一隻以字句構成的牛。字句引自Beat Sterchi的現代文學經典《牛》,著作對人和動物的關係作出嚴厲控訴。

Ernst Oppliger, the renowned Swiss papercut artist, has used this traditional craft technique to create a cow whose body is constructed from letters and words. These form a text cited from Beat Sterchi’s classic contemporary novel The Cow, whose story is a damning indictment of the relationship between man and the animal world.

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