2.8 立體光雕百福瓶
Projection mapping “Prosperity Multiplies a Hundredfold”

〈繪御製詩意百福繁生圖〉中的花樽經放大,再立體打印成的一個白色淺浮雕。瓶上繪畫的蝙蝠,則以立體光雕(projection mapping)技術,投映到淺浮雕之上。當觀眾接近花樽時,蝙蝠投映會環繞瓶身展翅亂舞,再返回原位。

The vase of flowers in the paper scroll painting Prosperity Multiplies a Hundredfold has been enlarged and 3D-printed as a white bas relief. The bats painted on that vase are now projection-mapped onto this bas relief. When a viewer approaches the vase, these projected bats become animated and appear to fly excitedly around, after which they settle again into their original painted positions.

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