2.8 繪御製詩意百福繁生圖
Prosperity Multiplies a Hundredfold
汪承霈|Wang Cheng-Pei

清 Qing dynasty

軸 紙本設色 Hanging scroll, ink and colors on paper
129cm (H) x 62.9cm (W)


Wang Cheng-Pei (?-1805), style name Chunnong, originally of Qiantang in Zhejiang, was a provider of Chinese paintings and calligraphy to the Qing Inner Court. This scroll depicts the imagery described in the poem by Emperor Qianlong, “to celebrate the multiplication of prosperity by a hundredfold, and to commend the success of the three agricultural processes”, and thus makes broad use of auspicious symbols and homonyms to represent fortune and harmony. The short-necked great ping vessel in the scroll is adorned with a multitude of red (hung4 紅) bats (fuk1 蝠) interspersed with rolled clouds, representing a homonym for great (hung4 鴻) fortune (fuk1 福) as high as the heavens. A ping vase containing auspicious rice stalks and a cypress tree is accompanied by a sheng instrument, an auspicious grain measure, a bronze hu vessel, a water vessel, and a military pennant. Together, these convey the message that under the wise and enlightened governance of the emperor, all living things under the sky grow and prosper, and that the three key agricultural processes of spring ploughing, summer tillage, and autumn harvest will proceed smoothly and bring about rich bounty.

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