1.6 貓狗斷層掃描
CT scans of a cat and a dog

電腦程式將眾多X光掃描所得的數據結合(又稱「電腦斷層掃描」,CT Scan),製作一隻貓和一隻狗的橫切面,猶如將貓狗「切片」,使觀眾得以窺視動物內部。這些橫切面除了化為立體展品外,亦以模擬立體模型展示,觀眾可從中檢視。

Computer-processed combinations of many X-ray measurements (CT scans) produce cross-sectional images or virtual “slices” of a dog and cat, allowing the user to peer into the interiors of these animals’ bodies. In this exhibit these imaged segments are presented in sculptural form as well as virtual 3D models that viewers can interactively examine.

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