1.5 清人鳥譜
Manual of Birds

清 Qing dynasty
冊 紙本設色 Album leaf, ink and colors on silk

41.1cm (H) x 44.1cm (W)


Manual of Birds is comprised of twelve albums with 30 leaves each, totaling 360 works. On the right of each folding leaf is a depiction in fine-line brushwork and Western painting methods for a different kind of bird, some of which are mythical. On the left is a text written in Chinese and Manchu with the name of the bird, its habits, and environs, making it similar to a modern illustrated compendium of birds. This album employs the compositional forms and artistic methods of bird-and-flower painting to record the features and habitats of birds. The illustrated leaves, moreover, can be regarded as individual works of art. The unique ideas and contents in this album make it a rarity in the history of Chinese bird-and-flower painting, bestowing upon it exceptional artistic value.

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