Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
SEN Declaration
- City University is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
- Students may complete the online declaration in AIMS [Student Record > My Applications > Special Educational Needs Declaration] with supporting documents no later than the end of Week 2 of the first Semester/Term of admission so that suitable arrangements can be provided to facilitate their learning at the University.
- Information collected will be used by different academic units and service units at the University for offering assistance to SEN students and for statistical purposes. The Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO)/Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies (SGS) will collate the information and make appropriate referrals to teaching academic units and other service units such as the Library and Student Development Services.
- All information collected will be kept confidential and used on a need-to-know basis. Whilst there are limits to the level and kind of services that can be provided, individual academic units and service units may contact the students concerned to discuss the services and assistance that can be offered.
- The decisions of students' home academic unit on any special assessment/examination arrangements will normally be available in Week 5 of the first Semester/Term of admission. Please check the decision via the same AIMS function.

SEN Declaration Schedules for Academic Year
Supporting Documents Required
Students should submit an up-to-date medical/assessment report issued by Hospital Authority, Department of Health, Education Bureau (EDB), a registered medical practitioner, or a professional, such as speech therapist, psychologist and audiologist.
Students with different special needs are required to submit specific supporting documents, which clearly state the types of disability as follows:
- The conditions and degree of disability of the student
- Assessment result of motor function ability and writing abilities
- Conclusion and Recommendations indicate the assessment result, the special needs and special examination arrangement
- Visual acuity (V.A.) after correction
- Visual field
- A diagnostic report written by a psychiatrist/paediatric neurology within 5 years before the application
- For the students who request special examination accommodation, an accommodation record from previous college/secondary school/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (the HKEAA)
- A diagnostic report written by a psychiatrist/paediatrician/neurologist within 5 years before the application
- For the students who request special examination accommodation, an accommodation record from previous college/secondary school/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (the HKEAA)
- General information about student’s study background.
- Assessment Results of Intellectual Functioning (IQ)
- Verbal comprehension
- Perceptual Reasoning
- Working memory
- Processing Speed
- Assessment Results of Literacy Abilities
- Word reading: accuracy and fluency
- Word dictation
- Reading comprehension
- Writing at length
- Phonological Retrieval
- Language Comprehension
- Morphological Awareness
- Orthographic Knowledge
- Phonological Memory
- Conclusion and Recommendations indicate the assessment result, the special needs and special examination arrangement
For students who have any questions or concerns about the documents required, please contact the SEN support service of the Student Development Services (SDS) below.
Telephone: (852) 3442 5726
If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the page contents and the Academic Regulations (AR), rules and guidelines, the AR, rules and guidelines shall prevail.