The University reserves the right to de-register students from a course or course section(s) under the following circumstances:

- If a course is cancelled or course sections are combined due to insufficient enrolments.
- If the registered course is inappropriate for the student's level, degree, programme, major, minor, stream or curriculum requirements.
- If the student cannot satisfy the prerequisites or precursors prescribed for the course.
- If the student has already passed the registered course or its equivalent course with grade C- or above.
- If the student has been granted credit transfer/exemption for the registered course or its equivalent course.
- If the student has earned credit units for an exclusive course of the registered course.
- If the student has already earned credit units of the registered course in the former degree.
- If the student has reached the maximum credit units permitted for study.
- If the student has reached the maximum period of study in the previous semester/term.
- If the student has not paid outstanding tuition fees or been set inactive for that semester/term.
- If the student has attempted to gain an unfair advantage during online course registration or is in the event of violation of the Academic Regulations.
Frequently Asked Questions
- In each semester, full-time students must register for courses summing to a total of at least 12 credit units, and for not more than 18 credit units; and part-time students must register for courses summing to a total of no more than 11 credit units. In the Summer Term, students may register for courses but the total load must not exceed seven credit units.
- Your pre-registration schedule is mainly compiled with the essential courses for fulfilling your degree requirements. You may use this as a draft version to further compile your class schedule in accordance with your study plan. However, you are advised to meet your Advisor before making any adjustments to the pre-registration schedule.
- Your pre-registration class schedule may be used as a blueprint for you to build your class schedule according to your curriculum requirements and study plan. When your course grades for the previous semester are released, you might need to make adjustments to your class schedule.
- If the course is web-enabled, simply drop the course through the web. If the course is not web-enabled, please use the electronic form on AIMS [Course Registration > Application for Add/Drop of Non-Web-enabled Course & Study Load Adjustment] and provide reason(s) and supporting document(s), e.g. the approval for credit transfer/excemption obtained, for approval by the course-offering academic unit.
- You can check for the list of courses being offered for the entire academic year from the Master Class Schedule which is accessible from the CityU Portal. Please note that the class schedules are subject to changes prior to the start of the respective semester/term.
- Portal » Academic & Research » Academic Services » Master Class Schedule. Click Show Gateway Education (GE) Courses ONLY and press Search Class. The master list of Gateway Education courses available for the semester will be displayed.
- Students who wish to take a reduced study load in a semester (full-time students less than 12 credits) due to special circumstances may make an application via an electronic form available AIMS [Course Registration > Application for Add/Drop of Non-Web-enabled Course & Study Load Adjustment]. Once you submit an application, it will be forwarded to your home academic unit for consideration.
- Students who wish to increase the study load due to special circumstances may make an application via an electronic form available in AIMS [Course Registration > Application for Add/Drop of Non-Web-enabled Course & Study Load Adjustment]. Once you submit an application, it will be forwarded to your home academic unit for consideration.
- Check if there is any time conflict resulting from the change. If no, you can drop the original tutorial section and add the new tutorial section at the same time when submitting the add/drop request via AIMS.
As the enrolment numbers are real-time dynamic data, several students may be competing for the few remaining seats at the same time. If the capacity of the course section is almost full, students are advised not to attempt to swap into those sections. - This means the registration page is under a large number of accesses during the peak course registration period, especially at the commencement of each time slot. As a measure of network traffic control, it is a standard measure to restrict the number of accesses to the server to maintain the operation of the server. This will result in some users failing to log into AIMS temporarily. Please be patience and try again later.
- You may submit a request for late add/drop of courses for approval by the Head of the course-offering academic units. However, the request will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will not necessarily be approved.
- Please note that late requests for dropping courses after the add/drop deadline must be submitted no later than the end of the teaching period for the relevant semester/term, and approval of such requests will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. For approved late drop of courses, an X grade representing the late drop of the course will be assigned and shown on your academic transcript.
- If you are studying in a programme with tuition fees charged by credit unit basis, tuition fees are chargeable for courses approved for dropping after the end of Week 2 of the semester/term. For details, please refer to the Regulations on Tuition Fees.
- You have to apply for a leave of absence by the end of the course add/drop period of the semester. If your application is approved, you will need to pay a continuation fee during the period of your leave of absence. For details, please visit: Leave of Absence.
- These courses are non-credit bearing and will not contribute to your semester's study load. For the physical education courses, pass grade or "Not Completed" will be recorded in your transcript. For the optional language courses offered by SCOPE, no grade will be recorded in your transcript.
Course Registration matters (Undergraduate)
3442 2300
Online Enquiry Form
Online Enquiry Form
Taught Postgraduate programmes
3442 9014
Online Enquiry Form
Online Enquiry Form
Professional Doctorate and Research Degree programmes
3442 9076
Online Enquiry Form
Online Enquiry Form
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses
3442 7607
Non-credit bearing optional language courses
3442 7423
Physical education courses
3442 8025
Visit the Rules on Academic Honesty for knowledge discovery and innovation.
If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the page contents and the Academic Regulations (AR), rules and guidelines, the AR, rules and guidelines shall prevail.