SEE3205 - Urban Sustainability

Offering Academic Unit
School of Energy and Environment
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Exclusive Courses:
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to provide the students with a basic understanding of key concepts and methodologies concerning urban sustainability and enhance their ability to address actual urban sustainability issues by incorporating environmental, technological, social and policy dimensions. The students will participate in field trips and on-site discussions with practitioners from industry and the public sector to better understand the challenges associated with the built environment. In the course, the students will work together in teams on one of the urban sustainability challenges (i.e., energy distribution, water and wastewater treatment, green building, and waste management) and to propose policy-focused solutions for the problem. Each group is required to demonstrate their progress on the project through a series of in-class presentations. Every group member will have to present at least once during the course of the semester and will be evaluated based on their ability to illustrate their understanding of the structure of the challenge and suggest possible solutions to improve the urban sustainability.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
To pass a course, a student must do ALL of the following:

1) obtain at least 30% of the total marks allocated towards continuous assessment (combination of assignments, pop quizzes, term paper, lab reports and/ or quiz, if applicable);
2) obtain at least 30% of the total marks allocated towards final examination (if applicable); and
3) meet the criteria listed in the section on Assessment Rubrics.
Detailed Course Information
