Staff Development Module:
Generic Introduction to Part-time Teaching at CityUHK

Generic Introduction to Part-time Teaching at CityUHK

Are you teaching part-time at CityUHK? Would you like to know more about teaching CityUHK students? A Generic Introduction to Part-time Teaching at CityUHK for New Faculty will help you get oriented to both your students and the educational approaches at CityUHK.

In this online module you will:

  • Learn about the background of our students, how they live, and the challenges they face;
  • Find out how to make the most out of meeting students for the first time;
  • Learn a few fundamentals on using discussions in your teaching;
  • Acquire some basics of effective lecturing;
  • Pick up some essentials of assessment and grading;
  • Discover about student diversity and inclusion;
  • Get an idea about teaching with technology; and,
  • Learn about additional resources at CityUHK to help you develop in your teaching.

The module video is about 12 minutes long. Participants take a pre-quiz, work through the video materials, and take the post-quiz. If they score at least 70% on the post-quiz for a given module, they get a Certificate of Completion.

Course Information

Target participants: Part-time teaching staff
Study hours: < ~0.5 hour
Course date*: Offered online in Semester A and B. Participants can enroll through AIMS
Module coordinator: Dr William CHEUNG


 Participants can enroll anytime during Semester A and B. They work at their own pace to complete the module by the end of the semester B.