About the Teaching Excellence Award

CityUHK introduced the Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) in 1993, as the first university in Hong Kong to offer such awards.

The principal aims of the TEA are to:

  • acknowledge and reward excellent teachers in the University;
  • promote and nurture best teaching practices; and
  • identify the best candidates for the UGC Teaching Award and nurture potential candidates for future selection.

Under the scheme, awards are made to individuals as well as teams to recognise and encourage collaborative work on the development of effective teaching and practices. One or more awards are available each year. A cash prize of HK$15,000 for staff development and related purposes will be awarded to each recipient of individual award and each member of the team award. A grant of HK$150,000 will also be awarded to each recipient of individual award and each winning team to undertake a teaching development project of their choosing. The Awards will be conferred at the annual Commencement. Names of Teaching Excellence Awardees will also be permanently displayed on campus.

The scheme is administered centrally by the Office of the Provost and Deputy President.