homey kitchenEvery morning, when the sun shines to warm the planet, Homey Kitchen has prepared for great food to warm our stomach and refresh our day. Located at the centre of the Student Residence and right next to Multi-function Hall B, Homey Kitchen not just saves a long way for many to go down to the campus canteen or restaurants in Festival Walk, it also opens to 12:00 midnight on weekdays such that students with tight time schedule can still have their meals when most restaurants are closed at late night.

Homey Kitchen, besides providing three regular meals a day, offers a comfortable environment when we eat. With newspapers, magazines and soft music playing, one can really savour a tasty meal with one’s legs crossed, and one hand holding a cup of coffee while the other thumbing through a tabloid magazine, not to mention the good views of the Student Residence to enjoy. There is also a wide range of dishes to choose from: Japanese fried pork chops, Chinese noodles, spaghetti, curry dishes, snacks and sandwiches and you name it.

For the sake of students’ convenience, daily necessities such as medicines, washing powder, cloth hangers, phone cards, toilet paper, batteries and adaptors etc. are sold there to make residents’ life easier. Homey Kitchen is also supportive to students’ spirit and well-being. During examination periods, there will be free sweet soups for residents as a token of care and support.

In order to echo with the idea of environmental protection, Homey Kitchen has launched the “Bring Your Own” campaign, where discounts are offered to encourage students to bring their own containers, instead of using the disposable ones. You can save 50 cents for bring your own cup for buying a drink and $1 for your own container for a meal.

What’s more, at the beginning of the new housing year, a Welcome & Food-tasting Party was held on 3 September 2010 to offer free food and welcome new and returning new residents. Starting from this new academic year, other than the warm smiles of the catering staff, Octopus add value service is also made available at Homey Kitchen.

We can see every effort that Homey Kitchen is making to serve us better. Homey Kitchen gives us home-like feelings at our second home- the Student Residence. Do not hesitate to give your opinions by talking to the catering staff and offering yourself to be a member of the Catering User Group.