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By Angel CHAN (Jockey Club Harmony Hall)

Sometimes we will taste the bitterness of our ignorance and there is a lesson to learn from the ignorance. Remember, this is just a hearsay tale, though the agony is too much to tell.

Excitement combined with aspiration to live his hall life to the full completely drowned this foundation year student. After years of sheer hardship behind a thick pile of reading materials, he happily breathed a sigh of relief as he leapt into a new horizon, a place he believed to be a heaven, a pool of knowledge and a field of hope. But first of all, he needed a bed and for a bed he moved into the hall upon his arrival in Hong Kong. Here he would never have imagined how his thirst for new exposure would be quenched.

Dust and exhaustion having fallen on him in the journey, he got to wash away all his weary past.

He knew things would be different but one thing never changed-- his love for his mother, oh yes, the jacket she had bought for him at his departure, a jacket stuffed with intensive love, care and so much worry that it looked a bit bulky and grey. It was time to give it a wash. Rub rub rub, ruffle and flatten it again, he knew his debt to his mother was as heavy as the dripping piece in his hand, but he had to let go. Hang it somewhere?

Back in his room, looking up at the ceiling, his anxious eyes swept from one end to the other and he spotted a silver ' thing ' sticking out of the wall, and in the opposite corner he found another. Ha! That is it.  With great caution and a string between his fingers he climbed onto the desk, reaching out his hand so desperately for the metal to tie the string on the "?". Just as he touched the icy-cold metal, a crack came to his attention, followed by a heavy shower which seemed to come out of nowhere.

It came too soon, for he was too late to flee. Shocked, soaked to the skin, a bit discontented, he realised that this was the first lesson he would learn in hall.

Tips:  Read the Handbook for Residents, it tells you what is what and where to do what.