SM6324 - Sensory Ethnography: Critical and Creative Practices

Offering Academic Unit
School of Creative Media
Credit Units
Course Duration
One semester
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

The course explores the theories and methods of sensory ethnography through practice-led audio-visual research in relation to various topics of identities and material culture. The course also studies the intellectual history and evolution of ethnographic theory and ethnographic films as a genre. Through practice-led learning mode (the production of sound recording, photographic media, and short ethnographic film), it promotes a reflexive understanding of the critical use of media in conducting and disseminating ethnographic knowledge in a socially and artistically engaging manner.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 100%
Detailed Course Information


Useful Links

School of Creative Media