Prof. LU, Jian

Dean (College of Engineering)

Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering

  • Ph.D., University of Technology of Compiegne, 1986
  • M.S., University of Technology of Compiegne, 1984

Academician: National Academy of Technologies of France
Fellow SEM, Fellow HKAES, Fellow HKIS
Director of Hong Kong Branch of National Precious Metal Material Engineering Research Centre
Director of Centre for Advanced Structural Materials
Senior Fellow of Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study

(+852) 3442-9653
Research Interests
  • Experimental mechanics
  • Residual stress
  • Mechanical properties of metallic and ceramic materials
  • Metallurgy
  • 4D printing
1993 Habilitation, Mechanics, Sorbonne University (Université Pierre et Marie CURIE)
1986 Doctor (Ph.D), Materials Science and Applied Mechanics, University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
1984 Diplome d'Etude Approfondie (DEA) (MSc), Materials Science, University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)


Engineer Diploma, Mechanical Engineering (MEng), and stream: Materials and Technology Innovations, University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
1979 National scholarship (jan. 79) for studying abroad, Intensive French Language Study at University of Technology of Compiegne (UTC)
1978 Peking University, Department of Chemistry
Professional Experience
Sep 2010 - Present City University of Hong Kong
  • Dean of College of Engineering (since 1 June 2023)
  • Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, concurrent appointment at Department of Material Science and Engineering, Department of Biomedical Science and Department of Biomedical Engineering
  • Vice-President (Research and Technology) and Dean of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies (15 Nov 2013 - 30 Nov 2020)
  • Dean of College of Science and Engineering ( 1 Sep 2010-14 Nov 2013)
  • Acting Dean of School of Veterinary Medicine (14 Mar 2014-1 Mar 2015)
  • Director of Hong Kong Branch of National Precious Metals Material Engineering Research Center (since Dec 2015)
  • Director of CityU Chengdu Research Institute (01 Mar 2014 - 30 Nov 2020)
  • Director of CityU Shenzhen Research Institute (15 Nov 2013 - 14 Nov 2020)
  • Director of Centre of Advanced Structural Materials (since Aug 2011)
  • Senior Fellow of Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study
2005 - 2010 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering (Feb 2008 - Aug 2010)
1994 - 2005 University of Technology of Troyes (UTT)
  • Professor (Promoted to 1st class since 1999 by the National Committee)
  • Head of the Mechanical Systems Engineering Department (1994 - 2004)
  • Director of the Mechanical Systems and Concurrent Engineering Laboratory (LASMIS, FRE CNRS 2719, CNRS and Ministry of Education)
1995 - 1999 Co-leader of the UTC (Compiegne)-UTT (Troyes) Doctor Program in Science of Mechanics for Engineer
1993 - 1994 Professor (Part time), Mechanical Systems Division
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology of Compiegne
1987 - 1994 Senior Research Engineer and Head of the Residual Stress and Coating Adhesion Laboratory, Material Department, CETIM (French Technical Center for Mechanical Industries)
Honors and Awards
  • French Knight Order of National Merit (Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite) in 2006
  • Gold Medal with Mention in the 56th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technologies at Brussels Expo (2007)
  • Fellow of Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), USA (2010)
  • Elected as Academician, National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF) (2011)
  • Elected as Fellow, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) (2013)
  • Elected as Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Science (HKIS) (2013)
  • French Knight of the National Order of Légion d’Honneur (Chevalier de la Legion D’honneur) in 2017
  • Received the 12th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award in 2018

Prof. Jian Lu has published more than 562 journal papers including papers in Nature (cover story), Science, Nature Materials, Nature Chemistry, Nature Water, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Materials Today, Advanced Materials, Advanced Founctionnal Materials, Physical Review Letters, JACS, Angewandte Chemie, Nano Letters, ACS NANO, Acta Materialia, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. His publications have been cited more than 44,000 times.

  1. Tong, W.P., Tao, N.R., WANG, Z.B., Lu, J. & LU, K., Nitriding iron at lower temperatures, Science. 299, 5607, p. 686-688, 31 Jan 2003
  2. Zhang, H. W., Hei, Z. K., Liu, G., Lu, J. & Lu, K., Formation of nanostructured surface layer on AISI 304 stainless steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia. 51, 7, p. 1871-1881, 18 Apr 2003
  3. Wang, Z. B., Tao, N. R., Tong, W. P., Lu, J. & Lu, K., Diffusion of chromium in nanocrystalline iron produced by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia. 51, 14, p. 4319-4329, 15 Aug 2003
  4. Cao, Y.P. & Lu, J., Depth-sensing instrumented indentation with dual sharp indenters: stability analysis and corresponding regularization schemes, Acta Materialia. 52, 5, p. 1143-1153, 8 Mar 2004
  5. Cao, Y.P. & Lu, J., A new method to extract the plastic properties of metal materials from an instrumented spherical indentation loading curve, Acta Materialia. 52, 13, p. 4023-4032, 2 Aug 2004
  6. Cao, Y.P. & Lu, J., Size-dependent sharp indentation-I: A closed-form expression of the indentation loading curve, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 53, 1, p. 33-48, Jan 2005
  7. Cao, Y.P. & Lu, J., Size-dependent sharp indentation-II: A reverse algorithm to identify plastic properties of metallic materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 53, 1, p. 49-62, Jan 2005
  8. Wu, X., Tao, N., Hong, Y., Liu, G., Xu, B., Lu, J. & Lu, K., Strain-induced grain refinement of cobalt during surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia. 53, 3, p. 681-691, Feb 2005
  9. Roland, T., Retraint, D., Lu, K. & Lu, J., Fatigue life improvement through surface nanostructuring of stainless steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment, Scripta Materialia. 54, 11, p. 1949-1954, Jun 2006
  10. Wang, K., Tao, N. R., Liu, G., Lu, J. & Lu, K., Plastic strain-induced grain refinement at the nanometer scale in copper, Acta Materialia. 54, 19, p. 5281-5291, Nov 2006
  11. Lin, Y., Lu, J., Wang, L., Xu, T. & Xue, Q., Surface nanocrystallization by surface mechanical attrition treatment and its effect on structure and properties of plasma nitrided AISI 321 stainless steel, Acta Materialia. 54, 20, p. 5599-5605, Dec 2006
  12. Wu, X. L., Tao, N. R., Wei, Q. M., Jiang, P., Lu, J. & Lu, K., Microstructural evolution and formation of nanocrystalline intermetallic compound during surface mechanical attrition treatment of cobalt, Acta Materialia. 55, 17, p. 5768-5779, Oct 2007
  13. Chen, A., Li, D., Zhang, J., Song, H. & Lu, J., Make nanostructured metal exceptionally tough by introducing non-localized fracture behaviors, Scripta Materialia. 59, 6, p. 579-582, Sep 2008
  14. Yang, Y., Ye, J. C., Lu, J., Liu, F. X. & Liaw, P. K., Effects of specimen geometry and base material on the mechanical behavior of focused-ion-beam-fabricated metallic-glass micropillars, Acta Materialia. 57, 5, p. 1613-1623, Mar 2009
  15. Li, Y., Yang, M., Wang, D. N., Lu, J., Sun, T. & Grattan, K. T. V., Fiber Bragg gratings with enhanced thermal stability by residual stress relaxation, Optics Express. 17, 22, p. 19785-19790, 26 Oct 2009
  16. Ye, J. C., Lu, J., Yang, Y. & Liaw, P. K., Study of the intrinsic ductile to brittle transition mechanism of metallic glasses, Acta Materialia. 57, 20, p. 6037-6046, Dec 2009
  17. Ye, J. C., Lu, J., Liu, C. T., Wang, Q. & Yang, Y., Atomistic free-volume zones and inelastic deformation of metallic glasses, Nature Materials. 9, 8, p. 619-623, Aug 2010
  18. Chan, H. L., Ruan, H. H., Chen, A. Y. & Lu, J., Optimization of the strain rate to achieve exceptional mechanical properties of 304 stainless steel using high speed ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment, Acta Materialia. 58, 15, p. 5086-5096, Sep 2010
  19. Liu, X. J., Xu, Y., Hui, X., Lu, Z. P., Li, F., Chen, G. L., Lu, J. & Liu, C. T., Metallic liquids and glasses: Atomic order and global packing, Physical Review Letters. 105, 15, 155501, 5 Oct 2010
  20. Li, H., Fu, M. W., Lu, J. & Yang, H., Ductile fracture: Experiments and computations, International Journal of Plasticity. 27, 2, p. 147-180, Feb 2011
  21. Chen, A. Y., Ruan, H. H., Wang, J., Chan, H. L., Wang, Q., Li, Q. & Lu, J., The influence of strain rate on the microstructure transition of 304 stainless steel, Acta Materialia. 59, 9, p. 3697-3709, May 2011
  22. Wang, Q., Liu, C. T., Yang, Y., Dong, Y. D. & Lu, J., Atomic-scale structural evolution and stability of supercooled liquid of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Physical Review Letters. 106, 21, 215505, 25 May 2011
  23. Zhu, L., Ruan, H., Li, X., Dao, M., Gao, H. & Lu, J., Modeling grain size dependent optimal twin spacing for achieving ultimate high strength and related high ductility in nanotwinned metals, Acta Materialia. 59, 14, p. 5544-5557, Aug 2011
  24. Frontán, J., Zhang, Y., Dao, M., Lu, J., Gálvez, F. & Jérusalem, A., Ballistic performance of nanocrystalline and nanotwinned ultrafine crystal steel, Acta Materialia. 60, 3, p. 1353-1367, Feb 2012
  25. Zhu, L. & Lu, J., Modelling the plastic deformation of nanostructured metals with bimodal grain size distribution, International Journal of Plasticity. 30-31, p. 166-184, Mar 2012
  26. Zhu, L., Shi, S., Lu, K. & Lu, J., A statistical model for predicting the mechanical properties of nanostructured metals with bimodal grain size distribution, Acta Materialia. 60, 16, p. 5762-5772, Sep 2012
  27. Kou, H., Lu, J. & Li, Y., High-strength and high-ductility nanostructured and amorphous metallic materials, Advanced Materials. 26, 31, p. 5518-5524, 20 Aug 2014
  28. Zhu, L., Qu, S., Guo, X. & Lu, J., Analysis of the twin spacing and grain size effects on mechanical properties in hierarchically nanotwinned face-centered cubic metals based on a mechanism-based plasticity model, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 76, p. 162-179, Mar 2015
  29. Wang, Q., Zhang, S. T., Yang, Y., Dong, Y. D., Liu, C. T. & Lu, J., Unusual fast secondary relaxation in metallic glass, Nature Communications. 6, 7876, 24 Jul 2015
  30. Ye, Y. F., Wang, Q., Lu, J., Liu, C. T. & Yang, Y., High-entropy alloy: challenges and prospects, Materials Today. 19, 6, p. 349-362, Jul 2016
  31. Zhu, L., Ruan, H., Chen, A., Guo, X. & Lu, J., Microstructures-based constitutive analysis for mechanical properties of gradient-nanostructured 304 stainless steels, Acta Materialia. 128, p. 375-390, 15 Apr 2017
  32. Wu, G., Chan, K., Zhu, L., Sun, L. & Lu, J., Dual-phase nanostructuring as a route to high-strength magnesium alloys, Nature. 545, p. 80-83, 4 May 2017 (This paper was selected as cover story of the issue.)
  33. Wang, Q., Liu, J., Ye, Y., Liu, T., Wang, S., Liu, C., Lu, J. & Yang, Y., Universal secondary relaxation and unusual brittle-to-ductile transition in metallic glasses, Materials Today. 20, 6, p. 293-300, Jul 2017
  34. Sun, L., He, X. & Lu, J., Nanotwinned and hierarchical nanotwinned metals: A review of experimental, computational and theoretical efforts, npj Computational Materials. 4, 6, 5 Feb 2018
  35. Banerjee, A., Bernoulli, D., Zhang, H., Yuen, M. F., Liu, J., Dong, J., Ding, F., Lu, J., Dao, M., Zhang, W., Lu, Y. & Suresh, S., Ultralarge elastic deformation of nanoscale diamond, Science. 360, 6386, p. 300-302, 20 Apr 2018
  36. Liu, X., Sun, L., Zhu, L., Liu, J., Lu, K. & Lu, J., High-order hierarchical nanotwins with superior strength and ductility, Acta Materialia. 149, p. 397-406, 1 May 2018
  37. Liu, G., Zhao, Y., Wu, G. & Lu, J., Origami and 4D printing of elastomer-derived ceramic structures, Science advances. 4, 8, 17 Aug 2018
  38. Liang, S., Jia, Z., Liu, Y., Zhang, W., Wang, W., Lu, J. & Zhang, L., Compelling Rejuvenated Catalytic Performance in Metallic Glasses, Advanced Materials. 30, 45, 8 Nov 2018
  39. Jia, Z., Wang, Q., Sun, L., Wang, Q., Zhang, L., Wu, G., Luan, J. Jiao, Z., Wang, A., Liang, S., Gu, M. & Lu, J., Attractive In Situ Self-Reconstructed Hierarchical Gradient Structure of Metallic Glass for High Efficiency and Remarkable Stability in Catalytic Performance, Advanced Functional Materials. 29, 19, 1807857, 8 Feb 2019
  40. Chen, A., Zhu, L., Sun, L., Liu, J., Wang, H., Wang, X., Yang, J. & Lu, J., Scale law of complex deformation transitions of nanotwins in stainless steel, Nature Communications. 10, 1403, 29 Mar 2019
  41. Yan, X., Yin, S., Chen, C., Jenkins, R., Lupoi, R., Bolot, R., Ma, W., Kuang, M., Liao, H., Lu, J. & Liu, M., Fatigue strength improvement of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V using ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition, Materials Research Letters. 7, 8, p. 327-333, 23 Apr 2019
  42. Zhang, L., Jia, Z., Lyu, F., Liang, S. & Lu, J., A review of catalytic performance of metallic glasses in wastewater treatment: Recent progress and prospects, Progress in Materials Science. 105, 100576, Aug 2019
  43. Wu, G., Liu, C., Sun, L., Wang, Q., Sun, B., Han, B., Kai, J. Luan, J., Liu, C. T., Cao, K., Lu, Y., Cheng, L. & Lu, J., Hierarchical nanostructured aluminum alloy with ultrahigh strength and large plasticity, Nature Communications. 10, 5099, 8 Nov 2019
  44. Mao, Z., Zhu, K., Pan, L., Liu, G., Tang, T., He, Y., Huang, J., Hu, J., Chan, K. W. Y. & Lu, J., Direct-Ink Written Shape-Morphing Film with Rapid and Programmable Multimotion, Advanced Materials Technologies. 5, 2, 1900974, Feb 2020
  45. Li, Z., Liu, P., Ji, X., Gong, J., Hu, Y., Wu, W., Wang, X., Peng, H. Q., Kwok, R. T. K., Lam J. W. Y., Lu, J., & Tang, B. Z., Bioinspired Simultaneous Changes in Fluorescence Color, Brightness, and Shape of Hydrogels Enabled by AIEgens, Advanced Materials. 32, 11, 1906493, 5 Feb 2020
  46. Ou, W., Zhou, B., Shen, J., Lo, T. W., Lei, D., Li, S., Zhong, J., Li Y. Y. & Lu, J., Thermal and Nonthermal Effects in Plasmon‐Mediated Electrochemistry at Nanostructured Ag Electrode, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 59, 17, p. 6790-6793, 20 Apr 2020
  47. Sun, L., Li, D., Zhu, L., Ruan, H. & Lu, J., Size-dependent formation and thermal stability of high-order twins in hierarchical nanotwinned metals, International Journal of Plasticity. 128, 102685, May 2020
  48. Jia, Z., Yang, Y., Sun, L., Zhao, Y., Li, W., Luan, J., Lyu, F., Zhang, L.‐C., Kruzic, J.J., Kai, J.-J., Huang, J.C., Lu, J. & Liu, C. T., A Novel Multinary Intermetallic as an Active Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution, Advanced Materials. 32, 21, 2000385, 26 May 2020
  49. Sun, L.G., Wu, G., Wang, Q. & Lu, J., Nanostructural metallic materials: Structures and mechanical properties, Materials Today. Vol. 38, p.114-135, Sep 2020
  50. Wu. G., Balachandran S., Gault, B., Xia, W., Liu, C., Rao, Z., Wei, Y., Liu, S., Lu, J., Herbig, M., Lu, W., Dehm, G., Li, Z. & Raabe, D., Crystal–Glass High-Entropy Nanocomposites with Near Theoretical Compressive Strength and Large Deformability, Advanced Materials. 32, 34, 2002619, 19 July 2020
  51. Jiao, Y., Yi, S., Wang, H., Li, B., Hao, W., Pan, L., Shi, Y., Li, X., Liu, P., Zhang, H., Gao, C., Zhao, J. & Lu, J., Strain Engineering of Metal Halide Perovskites on Coupling Anisotropic Behaviors, Advanced Functional Materials. 31, 4, 2006243, 2 October 2020
  52. Liu, C., Liu, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Bao, Y., Wu, G. & Lu, J., Nano-Dual-Phase Metallic Glass Film Enhances Strength and Ductility of a Gradient Nanograined Magnesium Alloy, Advanced Science. 7, 19, 2001480, 7 Oct 2020
  53. Liu, G., Zhang, X., Chen, X., He, Y., Cheng, L., Huo, M., Yin, J., Hao, F., Chen, S., Wang, P., Yi, S., Wan, L., Mao, Z., Chen, Z., Wang, X., Cao, Z., & Lu, J., Additive manufacturing of structural materials, Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports. 145,100596, 1 Apr 2021
  54. Lei, Y. B., Wang, Z. B., Zhang, B., Luo, Z. P., Lu, J., & Lu, K. (2021). Enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel by pre-forming a gradient nanostructured surface layer and annealing. Acta Materialia, 208, 116773. 15 Apr 2021
  55. Zhang, J., Cui, Y., Zuo, X., Wan, J., Rong, Y., Chen, N., & Lu, J. Dislocations across interphase enable plain steel with high strength-ductility. Science Bulletin, 66(11), 1058–1062. 15 Jun 2021
  56. Cheng, L., Tang, T., Yang, H., Hao, F., Wu, G., Lyu, F., Bu, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, G., Cheng, X., & Lu, J., The Twisting of Dome‐Like Metamaterial from Brittle to Ductile, Advanced Science. 7 Jul 2021
  57. Zhang, J., Dai, Z., Zeng, L., Zuo, X., Wan, J., Rong, Y., Chen, N., Lu, J., & Chen, H. Revealing carbide precipitation effects and their mechanisms during quenching-partitioning-tempering of a high carbon steel: Experiments and Modeling. Acta Materialia, 217, 117176. 15 Sep 2021
  58. Jia, Z., Nomoto, K., Wang, Q., Kong, C., Sun, L., Zhang, L-C., Liang, S-X., Lu, J., & Kruzic, J. J. (2021). A Self-Supported High-Entropy Metallic Glass with a Nanosponge Architecture for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under Alkaline and Acidic Conditions. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(38), 2101586. 16 Sep 2021
  59. Ma, X., Gu, S., Li, Y., Lu, J., Yang, G., & Zhang, K. (2021). Additive-Free Energetic Film Based on Graphene Oxide and Nanoscale Energetic Coordination Polymer for Transient Microchip. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(42), 2103199. 14 Oct 2021
  60. Liang, Z. Y., Cao, Z. H., Lu, J., Huang, M. X., & Tasan, C. C. Influence of co-existing medium Mn and dual phase steel microstructures on ductility and Lüders band formation. Acta Materialia, 221, 117418. Dec 2021
  61. Zhou, B., Ou, W., Zhao, C., Shen, J., Zhang, G., Tang, X., Deng, Z., Zhu, G., Li, Y. Y., & Lu, J. Insertable and reusable SERS sensors for rapid on-site quality control of fish and meat products. Chemical Engineering Journal, 426, 130733. 15 Dec 2021
  62. Liu, Z., Zhao, D., Wang, P., Yan, M., Yang, C., Chen, Z., Lu, J., & Lu, Z. Additive manufacturing of metals: Microstructure evolution and multistage control. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 100, 224-236. 20 Feb 2022
  63. Liu, C., Lu, W., Xia, W., Du, C., Rao, Z., Best, J. P., Brinckmann, S., Lu, J., Gault, B., Dehm, G., Wu, G., Li, Z., & Raabe, D. Massive interstitial solid solution alloys achieve near-theoretical strength. Nature Communications, 13, 1102. 1 Mar 2022
  64. Li, B., Liu, J., Lyu, F., Deng, Z., Yi, B., Du, P., Yao, X., Zhu, G., Xu, Z., Lu, J., & Li, Y. Y. Mineral Hydrogel from Inorganic Salts: Biocompatible Synthesis, All-in-One Charge Storage, and Possible Implications in the Origin of Life. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(13), 2109302. 23 Mar 2022
  65. He, Y., Chen, Z, Kong, S., Mao, Z, Yang, C., Wang, W., Wan, L., Liu, G., Yin, J., Chan, C. H., & Lu, J. Light-controlled multifunctional reconfigurable structures. Applied Materials Today, 26, 101393. Mar 2022
  66. Bu, X., Liang, X., Bu, Y., Quan, Q., Meng, Y., Lai, Z., Wang, W., Liu, C., Lu, J., Lawrence Wu, C-M., & Ho, J. C. NiMo@C3N5 heterostructures with multiple electronic transmission channels for highly efficient hydrogen evolution from alkaline electrolytes and seawater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 438, 135379. 15 Jun 2022
  67. Mao, Z., Huo, M., Lyu, F., Zhou, Y., Bu, Y., Wan, L., Pan, L., Pan, J., Liu, H., & Lu, J. Nacre-liked material with tough and post-tunable mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 114, 172-179. 1 Jul 2022
  68. Zhou, B., Zhong, J., Tang, X., Liu, J., Shen, J., Wang, C., Ou, W., Wang, H., Liu, L., Pan, J., Lu, J., & Li, Y. Y. In situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Monitoring of Molecular Reorientation in Plasmon-Mediated Chemical Reactions. Journal of Catalysis, 413, 527-533. Sep 2022
  69. Guo, C., Li, G., Li, S., Hu, X., Lu, H., Li, X., Xu, Z., Chen, Y., Li, Q., Lu, J.,  Zhu, Q. Additive manufacturing of ni-based superalloys: Residual stress, mechanisms of crack formation and strategies for crack inhibition. Nano Materials Science. 10 Sep 2022
  70. Zhang, L., Song, B., Zhang, J., Yao, Y., Lu, J., Shi, Y. Decoupling microlattice metamaterial properties through a structural design strategy inspired by the Hall–Petch relation. Acta Materialia, 238, 118214. 1 Oct 2022
  71. Ou, W., Fan, Y., Shen, J., Xu, Y., Huang, D., Zhou, B., Lo, T. W., Li, S., Li, Y. Y., Lei, D.,  Lu, J. Plasmoelectric potential in plasmon-mediated electrochemistry. Nano Letters. 3 October 2022 (Early View, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01035)
  72. Lyu, F., Zeng, S., Jia, Z., Ma, F.-X., Sun, L., Cheng, L., Pan, J., Bao, Y., Mao, Z., Bu, Y., Li, Y. Y., Lu, J. Two-dimensional mineral hydrogel-derived single atoms-anchored heterostructures for ultrastable hydrogen evolution. Nature Communications, 13(1). 21 Oct 2022
  73. Wei, P., Hua, P., Xia, M., Yan, K., Lin, H., Yi, S., Lu, J., Ren, F., Sun, Q. Bending fatigue life enhancement of niti alloy by pre-strain warm surface mechanical attrition treatment. Acta Materialia, 240, 118269. Nov 2022
  74. Liu, S., Li, H., Zhong, J., Xu, K., Wu, G., Liu, C., Zhou, B., Yan, Y., Li, L., Cha, W., Chang, K., Li, Y. Y., & Lu, J. A crystal glass-nanostructured Al-based electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Science Advances, 8(44), eadd6421. 4 Nov 2022
  75. Li, G., Huang, Y., Li, X., Guo, C., Zhu, Q., & Lu, J., Laser powder bed fusion of nano-titania modified 2219 aluminium alloy with superior mechanical properties at both room and elevated temperatures: The significant impact of solute. Additive Manufacturing, 60(Part B), Article 103296, Dec 2022
  76. Hao, F., Wang, B., Wang, X., Tang, T., Li, Y., Yang, Z.,  Lu, J. Soybean-inspired nanomaterial-based broadband piezoelectric energy harvester with local bistability. Nano Energy, 103, 107823. 1 Dec 2022 
  77. Chen, S., Li, J., Shi, H., Chen, X., Liu, G., Meng, S., Lu, J. Lightweight and geometrically complex ceramics derived from 4D printed shape memory precursor with reconfigurability and programmability for sensing and actuation applications. Chemical Engineering Journal, 455, 140655. 1 Jan 2023
  78. Luan, H., Huang, L., Kang, J., Luo, B., Yang, X., Li, J., Han, Z., Si, J., Shao, Y., Lu, J., & Yao, K.-F. Spinodal decomposition and the pseudo-binary decomposition in high-entropy alloys. Acta Materialia, 248, Article 118775, 15 April 2023
  79. Wan, L., Mao, Z., Liu, H., Xie, Y., Lyu, F., Cao, Z., He, Y., Yin, J., Han, X., Chan, W. Y. K., & Lu, J. Direct 4D printing of gradient structure of ceramics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 465, [142804]. 1 Jun 2023
  80. Osman, A., & Lu, J. (2023). 3D printing of polymer composites to fabricate wearable sensors: A comprehensive review. Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports, 154, [100734]. Jul 2023
  81. Deng, Z., LI, H., Chen, S., Wang, N., Liu, G., Liu, D., Ou, W., Xu, F., Wang, X., Lei, D., Lo, P-C., Li, Y. Y., Lu, J., Yang, M., He, M-L., & Zhu, G. Near-infrared-activated anticancer platinum(IV) complexes directly photooxidize biomolecules in an oxygen-independent manner. Nature Chemistry, 15(7), 930-939. Jul 2023
  82. Liu, J., Mao, Z., Chen, Y., Long, Y., Wu, H., Shen, J., Zhang, R., Yeung, O. W. H., Zhou, B., Zhi, C., Lu, J., & Li, Y. Y. Amorphous biomineral-reinforced hydrogels with dramatically enhanced toughness for strain sensing. Chemical Engineering Journal, 468, Article 143735. Advance online publication. 15 Jul 2023
  83. Liu, G., Zhang, X., Lu, X., Zhao, Y., Zhou, Z., Xu, J., Yin, J., Tang, T., Wang, P., Yi, S., Fan, J., Zhuo, X., Chan, Y. H., Wong, W. L., Bian, H., Zuo, J., Dai, Y., Wu, J., Lu, J. 4D additive–subtractive manufacturing of Shape Memory Ceramics. Advanced Materials 30 July 2023
  84. Dan, C., Cui, Y., Wu, Y., Chen, Z., Liu, H., Ji, G., Xiao, Y., Chen, H., Wang, M., Liu, J., Wang, L., Li, Y., Addad, A., Zhou, Y., Ma, S., Shi, Q., Wang, H., Lu, J. Achieving ultrahigh fatigue resistance in AlSi10Mg alloy by additive manufacturing. Nature Materials,, 17 Aug 2023
  85. Liu, H., Yu, H., Guo, C., Chen, X., Zhong, S., Zhou, L., Osman, A. & Lu, J.  Review on Fatigue of Additive Manufactured Metallic Alloys: Microstructure, Performance, Enhancement, and Assessment Methods. Advanced Materials.,, 30 Aug 2023
  86. Gu, J., Li, L., Xie, Y., Chen, B., Tian, F., Wang, Y., Zhong, J., Shen, J. & Lu, J. Turing structuring with multiple nanotwins to engineer efficient and stable catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Nature Communications. 14, 5389, 4 Sep 2023
  87. Chen, A., Wang, W., Mao, Z., He, Y., Chen, S., Liu, G., Su, J., Feng, P., Shi, Y., Yan, C., Lu, J. Multi-Material 3D and 4D Bioprinting of Heterogeneous Constructs for Tissue Engineering. Advanced Materials,, 22 Sep 2023
  88. Liao, M., Xu, W., Song, Y., Pan, Z., Zheng, H., Li, Y., Qin, X., Wang, L., Lu, J., & Wang, Z. An integrated electricity generator harnessing water and solar energy featuring common-electrode configurationNano Energy116, Article 108831, Nov 2023
  89. Duan, F., Li, Q., Shen, Z., Jiang, Z., Liu, W., Yan, Y., Pan, J., Sun, L., & Lu, J. Anisotropic mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of nanotwinned Ni and Ni alloys with extremely fine twin boundary spacings. Acta Materialia, 260, Article 119311, 1 Nov 2023
  90. Mao, Z., Yao, Y., Shen, J., Liu, J., Chen, Y., Zhou, B., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., & Lu, J. Passive interfacial cooling-induced sustainable electricity–water cogeneration. Nature Water 2, 93–100., 8 Jan 2024
  91. Gu, J., Duan, F., Liu, S., Cha, W., & Lu, J. Phase engineering of nanostructural metallic materials: Classification, structures, and applications. Chemical Reviews, 124(3), 1247–1287., 23 Jan 2024
  92. Osman, A., Liu, H., & Lu, J. Sacrificial 3D printing to fabricate mxene-based wearable sensors with tunable performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 484, 149461. 9 Feb 2024
  93. Gu, J., Li, L., Yang, Q., Tian, F., Zhao, W., Xie, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, A., Zhang, L., Li, H., Zhong, J., Jiang, J., Wang, Y., Liu, J., & Lu, J. Twinning engineering of Platinum/iridium Nanonets as Turing-type catalysts for efficient water splitting. Journal of the American Chemical Society., 15 Feb 2024
  94. Liu, J., Huang, C., Wu, H., Long, Y., Tang, X., Li, H., Shen, J., Zhou, B., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z., Fan, J., Zeng, X. C., Lu, J., & Li, Y. Y. From salt water to bioceramics: Mimic nature through pressure-controlled hydration and crystallization. Science Advances, 10(9). 28 Feb 2024
  95. Yang, Y., Jia, Z., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Wang, Q., Li, Y., Shao, L., Di, S., Kuang, J., Sun, L., Zhang, L., Kruzic, J. J., Lu, Y., Lu, J., & Shen, B. Chemical short-range order in multi-principal element alloy with ordering effects on water electrolysis performance. Materials Today, 72, 97–108., 11 March 2024
  96. Liu, W., Li, G., & Lu, J. Modeling solidification cracking: A new perspective on solid bridge fracture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105651., April 2024
  97. Yin, J., Yan, Y., Miao, M., Tang, J., Jiang, J., Liu, H., Chen, Y., Chen, Y., Lyu, F., Mao, Z., He, Y., Wan, L., Zhou, B., & Lu, J. Diamond with Sp2-Sp3 composite phase for thermometry at Millikelvin temperatures. Nature Communications, 15, Article 3871., 8 May 2024
  98. Chen, Y., Yin, J., Zhang, Y., Lyu, F., Qin, B., Zhou, J., Liu, J. H., Long, Y. C., Mao, Z., Miao, M., Cai, X., Fan, J., & Lu, J. Coupling High Hardness and Zn Affinity in Amorphous–Crystalline Diamond for Stable Zn Metal Anodes. ACS Nano., 22 May 2024
  99. Li, B., Zhong, J., Li, H., Wu, H., Yan, J., Gu, J., Dong, W., Wang, P., Li, L., Tang, X., Wang, X., Ren, Y., Lu, J., & Li, Y. Y. Mineral fusion via DehydrationInduced Residual stress: from gels to ceramic monoliths. Advanced Functional Materials., 5 June 2024
  100.  Li, G., Zhao, C., Huang, Y., Tan, Q., Hou, J., He, X., Guo, C., Lu, W., Zhou, L., Liu, S., Zhang, L., Chen, X., Li, X., Li, Y., Luan, J., Li, Z., Mao, X., Zhang, M., Zhu, Q., & Lu, J. Additively manufactured fine-grained ultrahigh-strength bulk aluminum alloys with nanostructured strengthening defects. Materials Today., 8 June 2024

List of Granted Patents

Title of Invention Country Patent Number Publication Date
一種金屬材料表面納米層的製備方法 China ZL 99122670.4
2003.01.22 LU Ke,
LU Jian
Procédé de traitement de nanostructures et dispositif de traitement de nanostructures France 50-01122981.0, FR2812285 2003.02.07

LU Jian,

Procédé mécanique de génération de nanostructures et dispositif mécanique e generation de nanostructures France 49-01122980.2,
2003.03.07 LU Jian,
Procédé de traitement de nanostructures et dispositif de traitement de nanostructures France 50-01122981.0,
2003.03.07 LU Jian,
Procédé de génération de nanostructures et dispositif génération de nanostructures France 51-01122979.9,
2003.03.07 LU Jian,
Procede mecanique de generation de nanostructures et dispositif mecanique de generation de nanostructures Europe EP 1307599 B1 2004.04.21 LU Jian, LU Ke
形成納米結構方法和專用設備 China ZL01122979.9, CN1169974C 2004.10.06 LU Ke, LU Jian
形成納米結構的機械方法和專用機械設備 China ZL01122980.2, CN1179877C 2004.12.15

LU Ke, LU Jian

形成納米結構處理方法和專用處理設備 China ZL01122981.0, CN1176228C 2004.11.17

LU Ke, LU Jian

Prodede et dispositif de generation de nanostructures Europe EP1307598 B1 2005.01.05

LU Jian, LU Ke

Mechanical method for generating nanostructures and mechanical device for generating nanostructures USA US 7,147,726 2006.12.12

LU Jian, LU Ke

Device for generating nanostructures USA US 7,300,622 2007.11.27

LU Jian, LU Ke

High Temperature Sustainable Fiber Bragg Gratings USA US 7,835,605 2010.11.16

WANG Dongning, LI Yuhua, LU Jian

Method for generating nanostructures and device for generating nanostructures USA US 7,691,211 2010.04.06

LU Jian, LU Ke

Method of making a nanostructured austenitic steel sheet USA US 8,409,367 2013.04.02

LU Jian, CHEN Aiying

Construction structure and method of making thereof USA US 8,578,670 2013.11.12

WU Yufei, LU Jian

Method of Making a Composite Steel Plate USA US 8,752,752 2014.06.17

LU Jian, ZHANG Junbao, CHEN Aiying

Construction structure and Method of Making Thereof USA US 9,010,047 2015.04.21

WU Yufei, LU Jian

Method of Making Use of Surface Nanocrystallization for Building Reinforced Construction Structure USA US 9,021,755 2015.05.05

WU Yufei, LU Jian

Structure of Energetic Materials and the Method for Preparing Thereof USA US 9, 353,021  2016.05.31

ZHANG Kaili, LU Jian

Method of Fabricating Improved Porous Metallic Material and Resulting Structure Thereof USA US 9, 518,335 2016.12.13

ZHANG Jie, LI Yang Yang, LU Jian

Nanostructured-lattices produced by surface mechanical attrition treatment method USA US9,517,545 2016.12.13

LU Jian, PHU Son Mai, CHUN Sheng Wen

Application of the newly developed technology in stainless steel for biomedical implant USA US9,579,772 2017.02.28

LU Jian, WANG Huaiyu

Apparatus and a method for surface processing a metallic structure USA US9,670,561 2017.06.06

LI Ying, LU Jian

Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment (SMAT) Methods and Systems for Modifying Nanostructures USA US9,809,893 2017.11.17

Christopher Michael LEE, LI Yang Yang, LU Jian

Etching in the Presence of Alternating Voltage Profile and Resulting Porous Structure USA US9,840,789 2017.01.26

ZHANG Jie, LI Yang Yang, LU Jian

Material for an Electronic Device USA US10,032,966 2018.07.24 WANG Aiwu, LI Yangyang, LU Jian
微合金化黃金 China CN201510252942.3,

TAM Daniel, LU Jian

Nanostructured-Lattices Produced by Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment Method USA US10,253,383 2019.04.09

LU Jian, MAI Phu Son, WEN Chun Sheng

Multistable Structure and a Method for Making Thereof USA US10,288,220 2019.05.14

LU Jian,HE Xiaoqiao, YI Shenghui

含能材料的結構及其製備方法 China CN201510041001.5,

ZHANG Kaili, LU Jian

System and Method for Four-Dimensional Printing of Ceramic Origami Structures USA US10,377,076 2019.08.13

LU Jian, LIU Guo

Metal Material and a Method for Use in Fabricating Thereof USA US10,428,418 2019.10.01

LU Jian,WU Ge

Method of Making Carbon Nanotubes Doped with Iron, Nitrogen and Sulphur USA US10,439,229 2019.10.08

LU Jian,LI Yangyang, ZENG Shanshan

修改纳米结构的表面机械研磨处理(SMAT)方法和系统 China 201510303226.3,


Material for an Electronic Device USA US10,615,317 2020.04.07

WANG Aiwu, LI Yangyang, LU Jian

Method for Treating a Surface of a Metallic Structure USA US10,626,518 2020.04.21

ZHAN Yawen, LI Yangyang, LU Jian

於處理金屬結構的表面的裝置和方法 China ZL201410720455.0 2020.06.02

LI Ying, LU Jian

一種吸能盒及吸能盒的制造方法 China ZL201710785454.8 2020.07.17

LU Jian; GAO Yuan; TANG Tao; YAO Lu

Method for Modifying a Surface of a Metallic Substrate Material USA US10,718,063 2020.07.21

LU Jian, LI Yangyang,ZHAN Yawen

A Medium for a Dental Structure USA US10,722,333 2020.07.28

NIU Xinrui, CHEN Bing, LU Jian

一種表面納米技術處理的凹槽式碰撞吸能盒 China CN201810338083.3 2020.08.14

周震寰, 王偉, 趙禎, 徐新生, 林志華, 呂堅

多穩態結構及其制備方法 China 201610618036.5,


Metallic Structure USA US 10,895,006 B2 2021.01.19

Jian Lu ,Ge Wu

Method of Making Carbon Nanotubes Doped with Iron, Nitrogen and Sulphur USA US10,910,655 2021.02.02

Jian Lu, Yang Yang Li, Shanshan Zeng

貴金屬基材的3維納米蝕刻方法 China ZL201810696402.8,

ZHAN Yawen, LU Jian, LI Yangyang

Systems and Method for Four-Dimensional Printing of Elastomer-Derived Ceramic Structures by Compressive Buckling-Induced Method USA US 11,000,991 2021.05.11

LU Jian, LIU Guo, ZHAO Yan

Metallic Structure and a Method for Surface Treatment of a Metallic Structure USA US 11,053,605 2021.07.06

LI Yangyang, LU Jian, SHEN Junda, ZHOU Binbin

Energy Absorbing Device USA US 11,052,848 2021.07.06

LU Jian, GAO Yuan, TANG Tao, YAO Lu

System and Method for Four-Dimensional Printing of Elastomer-Derived Ceramic Structures by Self-Forming Method USA US 11,065,781 2021.07.20

LU Jian, LIU Guo, ZHAO Yan

Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment (SMAT) Methods and Systems for Modifying Nanostructures USA US11,072,867 2021.07.27

Christopher Michael Lee, Yangyang Li, Jian Lu

Method for Constructing a Printed Ceramic Object and a Ceramic Object Constructed by the same USA 15/996,832, US 11,104,030 B2 2021.08.31

LU Jian, LIU Guo

處理金屬結構的表面的方法 China CN109312485B 2021.09.21

ZHAN Yawen, LI Yangyang, LU Jian

Nanostructured Colour Film Having Dual-Phase First Layer And/or Amorphous Metallic Second Layer USA


US 11,168,401


LU Jian, BU Yu, WU Ge

基於拉曼光譜的新型冠狀病毒核酸檢測試劑盒及方法 China CN113549712B 2022.03.08 歐小華, 呂堅, 繆夏萍, 周彬斌黃曉強, 李揚揚, 於世輝, 歐瑋輝沈君達, 程雅婷
基於含能配位聚合物和納米鋁粉的含能材料及其製備方法 China



2022.03.22 MA Xiaoxia, ZHU Ying, LU Jian, ZHANG Kaili
金屬結構及用於金屬結構的表面處理的方法 China CN112281206B 2022.03.29

ZHOU Binbin, SHEN Juanda, LI Yangyang, LU Jian

Catalyst and a Wastewater Treatment Method USA US 11, 298, 690 2022.04.12 LU Jian, JIA Zhe, WANG Qing
Energy Absorbing Device USA US 11,299,117 2022.04.12 LU Jian, GAO Yuan, TANG Tao, YAO Lu
Method for Treating a Surface of a Metallic Structure USA US 11,299,814 2022.04.12 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, OU Weihui, ZHOU binbin, SHEN Junda, ZHAO Chenghao
一種遠端無人機投放裝置及方法 China CN 112249275B 2022.04.22 呂堅、易聖輝、何小橋
自變形法四維列印彈性體衍生陶瓷 China CN 110587775B 2022.04.26

LIU Guo, LU Jian, ZHAO Yan

一種可連續變形的機翼及飛行器 China CN112278238B 2022.05.13

呂堅, 郝鳳乾, 唐陶, 高原, 易聖輝, 何小橋

Catalyst and a Wastewater Treatment Method USA US 11,298,690 2022.04.12

LU Jian, JIA Zhe, WANG Qing

一種遠端無人機投放裝置及方法 China CN 112249275B 2022.04.22


自變形法四維列印彈性體衍生陶瓷 China ZL 201910501955.8
CN 110587775 B

LIU Guo, LU Jian, ZHAO Yan

一種可連續變形的機翼及飛行器 China ZL 201910680545.4
CN 112278238 B

呂堅, 郝鳳乾, 唐陶, 高原, 易聖輝, 何小橋

構造四維列印的陶瓷物體的方法 China ZL 201810852295.3
CN 109320248 B

呂堅, 劉果

構造列印的陶瓷物體的方法和通過其構造的陶瓷物體 China ZL 201910483910.2
CN 110549461 B

LU Jian, LIU Guo

基於局部效應的形態轉換驅動裝置 China ZL 201811443249.4
CN 111240377 B

呂堅, 易聖輝, 何小橋

壓縮屈曲引起的方法對彈性體衍生的陶瓷結構進行四維打印的系統和方法 China ZL 2019105017900.6  CN 110606750 B   2022.07.22

呂堅, 劉果, 趙岩

一種可變形的機翼及飛行器 China ZL 201910680543.5  CN 112278237 B   2022.08.12

吕坚, 易圣辉, 何小桥, 冷劲松, 孙健, 唐陶, 郝凤乾

基於微加熱器和結構含能材料的微小型點火器及其製備 China ZL 201910404498.0 CN 111947522 B 2022.12.13 朱瑩, 馬小霞, 呂堅, 張開黎
雙穩態磁致驅動器及其製備方法、疲勞試驗裝置及潛行器 China

ZL202111260482.0CN114147910 B

2023.01.24 呂堅, 陳舟, 萬鐳, 何雲虎
Entropy-Stabilized Ceramic Thin Film Coating, Method for Preparing the Same, and Component Coated with the Same USA US 11.591,708 2023.02.28 BIAN Haidong, HE Quanfeng, LI Zebiao, LU Jian, YANG Yong, LI Yangyang
熵穩定陶瓷薄膜塗層, 其製備方法以及塗覆有該塗層的組件 China ZL202010327447.5CN
2023.06.23 卞海東, 赫全鋒, 李澤彪, 呂堅, 楊勇, 李揚揚
Raman Detection System, Detection Method and Application Thereof USA US 11, 774, 367 2023.10.03 LU Jian, ZHOU Binbin, SHEN Junda, LI Zebiao, LI Yangyang
Method of Fabricating A Material for Use in Catalytic Reactions USA US 11, 791, 476 2023.10.17 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, MA Feixiang
In-Situ 4D Printing of High-Temperature Materials USA US 11, 858, 200 2024.01.02 LIU Guo, LU Jian
Ultra-flat and Low-friction Metallic Glass Film and A Method for Preparing The Same USA US 11,873,551 2024.01.16 LU Jian, GU Jialun, BAO Yan
高溫材料的原位4D列印 China ZL202211077511.4
CN 115959902 B
2024.02.27 呂堅, 劉果
Method for Preparing Ceramic Materials USA US 11,911,737 2024.02.27 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, ZHANG Guobin, ZHONG Jing, DU Peng, XU Zhengtao
一種適用於不同SERS基底的磁吸式新冠病毒快速檢測裝置 China ZL202320225952.2
CN 220542789 U
2024.02.27 呂堅, 張登, 週彬斌, 李澤彪, 沈君達
一種聚合物複合材料及其製備方法 China ZL202210925347.1 2024.04.02 呂堅, 卜钰
Direct 4D Printing Gradient Structure Ceramics USA US 11,945,754 2024.04.02 LU Jian, WAN Lei, CHEN Zhou, MAO Zhengyi
Evaporator for Solar Desalination, Preparation Method Thereof and Use Thereof USA US 11,999,634 2024.06.04 LU Jian, MAO Zhengyi
Hybrid System For Electricity And Water Generation, Passive Cooling Induced Co-Generator Apparatus, And Manufacturing Method Therefor USA US 12,021,478 2024.06.25 LU Jian, MAO Zhengyi, WANG Qiliang, YAO Yao, CAO Zhaowenbo


List of Filed Patents

Title of Invention Country Application
Filed Year Inventors
Material for an Electronic Device Int'l PCT/CN2017/077451 2017.03.21 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, WANG Aiwu
Method of Preparing a Ceramic Structure USA 63/075,929  2020.09.09 LI Yangyang,  LU Jian, WANG Hao, XU Zhengtao
Method of Fabricating a Material for Use in Catalytic Reactions USA 63/094,939 2020.10.22 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, MA Feixiang 
Aqueous bioceramic gels and transparent bioceramics fabricated under mild conditions USA 63/094,939 2020.11.19 LI Yangyang, LU Jian, ZHANG Guobin, DU Peng ,ZHONG Jing, XU Zhengtao 
A Method for Preparing A Solar Cell And A Solar Cell China 202110835135.X 2021.07.23 LU Jian, PAN Lulu, ZHAO Jinjin, SU Xiao, HAO Weizhong, YI Shenghui
Method for Preparing Ceramic Materials And Products Thereof USA 17/447,142 2021.09.08 LI Yangyang, LU Jian, WANG Hao, XU Zhengtao
基於表面增強拉曼光譜的生物樣本檢測方法 China 202111538552.4 2021.12.25 呂堅, 周彬斌, 沈君達, 李澤彪, 李揚揚
Rapid detection of zinc pyrithione by SERS USA 63/304,474 2022.01.28 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, OU Weihui, SHEN Junda, ZHONG Jing
Biological Sample Detaction Method Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy USA 17/673,070 2022.02.16 LU Jian, ZHOU Binbin, SHEN Junda, LI Zebiao, LI Yangyang
Method for Manufacturing Hihg-Temperature Structural Materials and Precursor USA 17/683,511 2022.03.01 LU Jian, LIU Guo, YIN Jianan, ZHANG Xiaofeng, LU Xinya
Mineral Hyderogels from Inorganic Salts USA 17/685,351 2022.03.02 LI Yangyang, LU Jian, LI Bo, XU Zhengtao, LIU Jiahua
Soft Bistable Magnetic Actuator and Fabrication Method Thereof, Fatigue Testing Device and Auto Underwater Vehicle USA 17/700,831 2022.03.20 LU Jian, CHEN Zhou, WAN Lei, HE Yunhu
Gradient metallic structure and surface treatment to produce a gradient metallic structure USA 17/704,042 2022.03.20 LI Yangyang, LU Jian, SHEN Junda, ZHOU Binbin
一種用於太陽能海水淡化的蒸發器及其製備方法和應用 China 202210827506.4 2022.07.13 呂堅, 毛正義
一種吸附劑及其製備方法和應用 China 202210827510.0 2022.07.13 呂堅, 毛正義, 郝鳳乾
Electrocatalyst having quasi-two-dimensional metal nanosheet having turing structure morphology USA 17/864,395 2022.07.14 LU Jian, GU Jialun, LI Lanxi
一種拉曼檢測系統、檢測方法及其應用 China 202210908097.0 2022.07.29 呂堅, 周彬斌, 沈君達
振動能量收集器、蓄電器及供電器 China 202210917857.4 2022.08.01 呂堅, 郝鳳乾, 王標, 楊徵保
一種硬質光學薄膜及其製備方法和應用 China 202210924007.7 2022.08.22 呂堅, 卜鈺
一種拉曼檢測系統、檢測方法及其應用 China 202210929222.6 2022.08.03 呂堅, 周彬斌, 沈君達
金屬材料及其製備方法 China 202211077399.4 2022.08.03 劉思達, 呂堅
一種單原子分散的異質結構催化劑及其製備方法和應用 China 202211276014.7 2022.10.18 呂堅, 呂富聰
3D Printing conductive diamond USA 63/418,620 2022.10.24 LU Jian, YIN Jianan, YAN Yang
Adsorbent, Preparation Method Therefor and Use Thereof USA 18/061, 193 2022.12.05 LU Jian, MAO Zhengyi, HAO Fengqian, ZHOU Binbin
Hard Optical Film, Method for Preparing Same and Use Thereof USA 18/061,713 2022.12.05 LU Jian, BU Yu
Polymer Composite Material and Preparation Method Thereof USA 17/973,912 2022.10.24 LU Jian, BU Yu
Rapid Detection of Zinc Pyrithione by SERS USA 18/149,539 2023.01.03 LU Jian, LI Yangyang, OU Weihui, SHEN Junda, ZHONG Jing
一種多目標物檢測新型冠狀病毒的SERS芯片及其製備方法與應用 China



LU Jian, ZHOU Binbin, LI Zebiao, SHEN Junda, ZHANG Deng
一種柔性SERS病毒檢測材料及其製備方法與應用 China 202310125171.6 2023.02.02 LU Jian, ZHOU Binbin, LI Zebiao, SHEN Junda, ZHANG Deng
陶瓷前驅體增材複合成型裝置 China 202310152774.5 2023.02.16 LU Jian, CAO Zhaowenbo, LAI Xuecong
3D Bioprinting of Tumor Tissue For Mechanisitic Study and Drug Screening USA 63/490,077 2023.03.14 LU Jian, MAN Kwan, MAO Zhengyi, YEUNG Oscar Wai Ho, CHENG Fredrick Yum Hung
Vibration Energy Harvester, Power Accumulator and Power Supplier USA 18/140,173 2023.04.27 LU Jian, HAO Fengqian, WANG Biao, YANG Zhengbao
4D printing of shape memory ceramics​  USA 63/509,284 2023.06.21 LIU Guo, LU Jian
A Kind of Dual-Phase Diamond USA 63/516,956 2023.08.01 LU Jian, YIN Jianan 
金屬網絡柔性透明導電薄膜及其製備方法與應用 China 2023112988143 2023.10.08 呂堅, 肖旭芬, 卜鈺, 劉鵬飛
In-Situ 4D Printing of High-temperature Materials USA 18/510,645 2023.11.16 LIU Guo, LU Jian
Simultaneous Salt Rejection and Heat Localization via Engineering Wick Structure And Macrochannels in 3D Evaporator, and Manufacturing Method Therefor USA 18/525,917 2023.12.01 LU Jian, HAN Yicheng, MAO Zhengyi, CHEN Yingxian, LI Lanxi
圖靈催化劑及其製備方法與應用和膜電極反應器 China 202311673532.7 2023.12.06 LU Jian, GU Jialun, LI Lanxi
一種陶瓷材料或玻璃材料及其製造方法 China 202311704380.2 2023.12.12 LIU Guo, LU Jian, ZHOU Zhifeng, LU Xinya, ZHANG
A 4D-printed Humidity And Magnetic Dual Responsive Actuator USA 18/399,594 2023.12.28 LU Jian, HE Yunhu, MAO Zhengyi, HAN Yicheng
Metal Grid Flexible Transparent Conductive Film and Its Preparation Method and Applications USA 18/609,388 2024.03.19 LU Jian, XIAO Xufen, BU Yu, LIU Pengfei
用於同時發電產水的混合系統、裝置、及其製造方法 China 202410376829.5 2024.03.29 LU Jian, CAO Zhaowenbo, MAO Zhengyi, WANG Qiliang, YAO Yao
3D/4D Additive-Subtractive Manufacturing of Ceramic/Glass Components in 3C Products USA 18/633,494 2024.04.11 LU Jian, LIU Guo, ZHOU Zhifeng, LU Xinya, ZHANG
Professional Affiliations

Professor Lu serves or served as a member of editorial board:

  • Nano Materials Science (Editor-in-Chief)
  • The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, IMechE (Member of Editorial Board)
  • CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua (Member of Editorial Board)
  • Science China Technological Sciences (Member of Editorial Board)
  • ACTA MECHINICA Solida Sinica (Member of Editorial Board)
  • Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letter (Associate Editors-in-Chief)
  • International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design (Member of Editorial Board)
  • ACTA MECHINICA Sinica (Editor)
  • Experimental Mechanics, SEM, USA (Associate Technical Editor)
  • “Handbook of Measurement of Residual Stresses” organized by SEM. The Fairmont Press and Prentice Hall (Editor)
  • “Residual Stress and Mechanical Design” and “Residual Stress: Manufacturing and Materials Processing”, two handbooks organized by Society for Experimental Mechanics (Editor)
  • “Non-Uniform Plastic Deformation Processing”, Spring Nature Singapore Pte Ltd (Editor) (Dec 2017)
  • Advisory Board Member of Editorial Board, Science Bulletin, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)中國科學院, Jan 2018 - Dec 2022
  • Member of Advisory Board, Advanced Engineering Materials, Mar 2018 - June 2022
  • Editor-in-Chief, Nano Materials Science, Chongqing University, China (Journal), June 2018 - Dec 2022
  • Member of Advisory Board, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, University of Sciecne and Technology Beijing, Jan 2019 - Dec 2023
  • Deputy Editors-in-Chief, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers (CJME-AMF), June 2021 – Present
  • Advisory Board Member, Interdisciplinary Materials, June 2022 – Present
  • Editorial Board Member, npj computational materials, June 2022 – Present
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, June 2022 - Present
  • Associate Editor-in-Chief, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, July 2022 - June 2023
  • Editorial Board Member, SmartMat, Jan 2023 – Present
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, July 2024- Present
  • Editorial Board Member, Fundamental Research, 2024-2026
Past and Actual National and International Appointments
  • Expert of French Ministry of Education (DSPT8, Engineering field) for the evaluation of the research laboratories, research programs and education programs
  • Overseas Assessor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 1999)
  • Member of the Expert Panel (29 members) for the preparation of EU document entitled: “Future needs and challenges for materials and nanotechnology research” in Oct 2001 for the preparation of 6th EU Research Program (2003 - 2006)
  • Member of International Experts Group (10 members for all the scientific fields) of Chinese MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) (2004 - 2006)
  • Expert of Evaluation for EU research and technology development programs (GROWTH and CRAFT) (2000 - 2004)
  • Member of International Advisory Committee of the First Chinese National Laboratory: Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science
  • Chairman (1994 - 1998) and Vice-Chairman (1990 - 1994) of the Residual stress division of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM, USA)
  • Chairman of Managing Board of the Sino-European School of Technology (UTSEUS a joint structure of three French Universities and Shanghai University) (2005 - 2008)
  • Special Consultant of Chairman of Managing Board of the Sino-European School of Technology (until 2008)
  • Expert Panel Member of the Hong Kong Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems (APAS) R & D Centre hosted by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (until 2012)
  • Overseas Panel Member of Engineering and Material Sciences of the NSF China (2011 and 2012)
  • Panel Member of Engineering Panel of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, China (Jan 2012 - Oct 2017)
  • 香港工業專業評審局2012 - 14年度董事局成員 Member of Board of Directors of The Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries (Jul 2012 – Jun 2014)
  • 香港工業專業評審局2012年「榮譽院士選舉」、「院士進升計劃」及「副院士推動計劃」終審委員會委員
  • 香港工業專業評審局2016年榮譽院士選舉及資歷院士參選計劃終審委員會委員
  • 香港工業專業評審局學術顧問委員會成員(2016 - 2018年度)及(2018 - 2020年度)
  • External Assessor of Admission Panel for the Technology Business Incubation Programme (Incu-Tech/Incu-Bio Programme) of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC), Hong Kong, China (Aug 2012 - Jul 2014)
  • Member of Gordon Research Committee’s Hong Kong Advisory Board of the Gordon Research Conference (since Jan 2015)
  • Member of the 9th & 10th Nuclear Safety Consultative Committee of the Guangdong Nuclear Power Station and the Lingao Nuclear Power Station, Guangdong, China
  • Preliminary Judging Panel Member of the 2013 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC), Hong Kong, China
  • International Science and Technology Committee Member of Alstom, France
  • External Reviewer for the Centre for Engineering Materials and Reliability (CEMAR) of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute (FYTRI), Nansha, China (since Sep 2013)
  • 中國力學學會「中國力學科學技術獎」海外通訊評審專家(15 Oct 2014 - 14 Oct 2019)
  • 第三屆學術委員會副主任,湘潭大學低維材料及其應用技術教部重點實驗室 (18 Oct 2014 - 17 Oct 2019)
  • Member of Innovation and Technology Fund Research Projects Assessment Panel under the Innovation & Technology Fund (1 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2018)
  • Expert Assessor of the Australian Research Council for assessment for major Australian Research Council schemes in 2015/2016
  • Member of University Advisory Board of HKUST MIT Research Alliance Consortium (since 2015)
  • Member of the Innovation and Sustainability Board, Bouygues Construction (since 2014)
  • President of National Evaluation Committee of ENSTA ParisTech (National School for Advanced Techniques), The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) (25 - 29 Jan 2016 & 6 Apr 2016)
  • President of Joint Committee with the Evaluation Committee of the Ecole Polytechnique; The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) (25 - 29 Jan 2016 & 6 Apr 2016)
  • Member of the 15 Jul 2016 Preliminary Judging Panel of the 2016 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP)
  • Member of the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, China (1 Jul 2016 – 30 Jun 2021)
  • Council Member of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sep 2013 - Dec 2019)
  • Council Member of Hong Kong Institution of Science (3 Dec 2016 – Nov/Dec 2018)
  • Member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Special Steering Committee on establishing nuclear engineering discipline) (since Oct 2016)
  • Member of the Committee on Innovation, Technology and Re-industrialisation of Hong Kong, China (13 Apr 2019 – 9 Sep 2023)
  • 香港科技創新聯盟理事 Board Member, Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation (since 15 July 2022)
  • Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation (2021-2022)
  • Chairman, Hong Kong Federation of Invention and Innovation (2022-2023)
  • Member, Committee on Innovation, Technology and Industry Development (CITID) (03 March 2023-02 March 2025)