Copyright in Education at CityU

  1. Copyright Related Legislation
  2. University Policy on Intellectual Property
  3. Copying for Teaching
  4. Handling Copyright Works on Canvas
  5. Use of Library Materials and Services
  6. Copying Using Copying Devices
  7. Related Links
  8. Who to Contact in CityU

1.  Copyright Related Legislation

1.1. Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528) (updated)
1.2. Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance (Cap. 544)
1.3. Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2022

2.  University Policy on Intellectual Property

2.1. Intellectual Property Management at CityU
  Intellectual Property Policy

3.  Copying for Teaching

Copyright and Education (Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR)
3.1. Guidelines for Photocopying of Printed Works by Not-for-profit Educational Establishments (English version, Chinese version)
  Frequently Asked Questions (compiled by the Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR) (English version, Chinese version)
3.2. Copyright in Education in Hong Kong (compiled by the Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR)(English version, Chinese version)

4. Handling Copyright Works on Canvas

A guide developed by Digital Learning Support, TED (English version)

5.  Use of Library Materials and Services

5.1. Article Request Copyright Declaration
5.2. Conditions of Use and Licensing Restrictions for Library-subscribed e-Resources
5.3. Course Reserve - Depositing Policy
5.4. Interlibrary Loan Article Request Copyright Declaration

6.  Copying Using Copying Devices

Users copying using different devices, including but not limited to these, photocopier, scanner, 3-D scanner, mobile device of various kinds, must observe the copyright law. Check out the warning notice. You can find a copy near major copying devices in the Library.

7.1. Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH)
7.2. Customs and Excise Department, HKSAR
7.3. Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society
7.4. Hong Kong Copyright Licensing Association
7.5. Intellectual Property Department, HKSAR
7.6. Phonographic Performance (South East Asia) Limited

8.  Who to Contact in CityU

8.1. Implementation and interpretation of CityU’s Intellectual Property Policy
  Knowledge Transfer Committee
8.2. Use of computing facilities and IT
  Computing Services Centre
8.3. Use of library resources and services
  Run Run Shaw Library