Library Learning Resources


1. A history of Chinese calligraphy / Tseng Yuho. NK3634.A2 T7725 1993 Circulation Collection
2. Li Po and Tu Fu : poems selected and translated with an introduction and notes / Arthur Cooper PL2671 .C6 Circulation Collection
3. Traces of the brush : studies in Chinese calligraphy / Shen C.Y. Fu ND1457.C52 N483 1980 Circulation Collection
4. Behind the brushstrokes : appreciating Chinese calligraphy / Khoo Seow Hwa & Nancy L. Penrose. NK3634.A2 K56 1993 Circulation Collection
5. The embodied image : Chinese calligraphy from the John B. Elliott Collection / Robert E. Harrist, Jr., Wen C. Fong ; with contributions by Qianshen Bai ... [et al.]. NK3634.A2 H375 1999 Circulation Collection
6. Brushing the past : later Chinese calligraphy from the gift of Robert Hatfield Ellsworth / Joseph Chang, Thomas Lawton, Stephen D. Allee. NK3634.A2 C423 2000 Circulation Collection
7. Fu Shan's world : the transformation of Chinese calligraphy in the seventeenth century / Qianshen Bai. NK3634.F8 B35 2003 Circulation Collection
8. Chinese calligraphy / Lucy Driscoll and Kenji Toda. PL1171 .D7 1964 Circulation Collection
9. Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique / by Chiang Yee ; with a foreword by Sir Herbert Read NK3634.A2 C465 1973 Circulation Collection
10. Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters / Edoardo Fazzioli ; calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko. PL1281 .F3413 1987 Circulation Collection
11. Four thousand years of Chinese calligraphy / Leon Long-yien Chang and Peter Miller. NK3634.A2 C424 1990 Circulation Collection
12. Character & context in Chinese calligraphy / edited by Cary Y. Liu, Dora C.Y. Ching, and Judith G. Smith. NK3634.A2 C438 1999 Circulation Collection
13. The history and cultural heritage of Chinese calligraphy, printing and library work / edited by Susan M. Allen ... [et al.]. NK3634.A18 H57 2010 Circulation Collection
14. 逍遙遊 / [商務印書館編輯出版部編]. BL1900.C576 X55 2005 Circulation Collection
15. 歸去來兮辭 /  陶淵明文; 文徵明書. 絶交書 / 嵇康文; 趙孟頫書. PL2665.T3 G84 2002 Circulation Collection
16. 杜牧詩 / 杜牧詩, 書; [商務印書館編輯出版部編]. PL2677.T8 Z62 2003 Circulation Collection
17. 古詩十九首 / 佚名詩; 陳道復書; [商務印書館編輯出版部編]. PL2310 .G83 2003 Circulation Collection
18. 蘭亭集序 / 王羲之文, 書; [商務印書館編輯出版部編]. NK3634.W3 A68 2002 Telford Circulation
19. 千字文 / 周興嗣文;  趙孟頫等書; [商務印書館編輯出版部編]. NK3634.C387 A67 2002 Telford Circulation
20. 洛神賦 / 曹植文;  顧愷之圖; 趙孟頫等書. PL2664.T75 L863 2002 Circulation Collection
21. 岳陽樓記 / 范仲淹文; 董其昌書; [編者商務印書館編輯出版部]. PL2687.F326 Y84 2002 Circulation Collection
22. 道德經 / 老子文; 趙孟頫, 鮮于樞書; [商務印書館編輯出版部編]. BL1900.L35 D36 2002 Circulation Collection
23. 赤壁賦 / 蘇軾文; 文徵明, 趙構書. PL2685 .C45 2002 Circulation Collection
24. 明文徵明書赤壁賦 / 上海博物館藏. NK3634.W46 A4 1977 Circulation Oversize
25. 古今詩詞警句名言集. 哲理集 (楷書字帖) / 劉俊禮編著. B126 .L585 2000 Circulation Collection
26. 明文徵明行草诗册 / [上海書畫出版社编]. NK3634.W46 A7 2004 Circulation Collection
27. 《紅樓夢》詩詞鋼筆楷書字帖 / 李培隽. NK3634.L346 H66 1989 Circulation Collection
28. 《紅樓夢》詩詞歌賦對聯︰鋼筆書法 / 李洪海, 趙鵬書 ; 周玉春, 敦禮雲编. NK3634.L344 A64 1988 v.1 Circulation Collection
29. 唐詩三百首硬筆字帖 NK3634.A2 T354 1992 Circulation Collection
30. 鋼筆行草書千家詩 NK3634.L46 L53 1986 Circulation Collection
31. 劉放金文孫子兵法 NK3634.L585 A7 2008 Circulation Collection
32. 宋苏轼黄州寒食诗帖 NK3634.S89 A66 2004 Circulation Collection
33. 元赵孟頫前后赤壁赋 NK3634.C387 A66 2004 Circulation Collection
34. 宋陸游自書詩卷 NK3634.L86 A4 2003 Circulation Collection
35. 寶麟書李商隱十六首 NK3634.C335 A65 2003 Circulation Collection
36. 黃山谷書李太白憶舊遊詩 NK3634.A2 J56 2003 v.3 Circulation Oversize
37. 集王羲之書金剛經 NK3634.T36 A4 1990z Circulation Collection
38. 詩情畫意名句選萃 NK3634.T36 A4 1990z Shatin Branch
39. 明董其昌行书杜甫诗 NK3634.D66 A67 2004 Circulation Collection
40. 元鮮于樞書王安石詩 NK3634.X536 A4 1976 Circulation Oversize
41. 賀知章草書孝經 NK3634.H43 A7 2000 Shatin Branch
42. 合璧聯珠 NK3634.A2 H4 2003 Circulation Collection
43. 董其昌倣歐陽詢千文 NK3634.D66 A64 1997 Circulation Collection
44. 聖言書藝展 = The calligraphic art of confucius' sayings NK3634.A2 S525 2001 Circulation Collection
45. 鄧石如篆書弟子職 NK3634.T4 A64 1985 Circulation Oversize
46. 蘇軾書醉翁亭 NK3634.S89 A67 1998 Circulation Oversize


Electronic Resources
(can be accessed through“Library Learning Resources”on website)

1. Brushes with power [electronic resource] : modern politics and the Chinese art of calligraphy / Richard Curt Kraus. online access from NetLibrary
2. The upright brush [electronic resource] : Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy and Song literati politics / Amy McNair. online access from ebrary
3. Calligraphy and power in contemporary Chinese society [electronic resource] / Yuehping Yen. online access from NetLibrary
4. 汉碑集字对联 [electronic resource] / 严卫平, 俞丰编.
5. 王羲之行书集字楹联. 兰亭序 [electronic resource]  / 聂文豪编著.
6. 欧体集字楹联. 九成宫 [electronic resource]  / 聂文豪编著.
7. 宋诗词书法 [electronic resource]  / 鲁牧编.
8. 赵孟俯胆巴碑集字对联 [electronic resource]  / 陆有珠主编.
9. 标准书法集字 春联 [electronic resource]  / 李胜春, 邹琴编著.
10. 标准书法集字 门联 [electronic resource]  / 龙开胜, 盛靑编著.
11. 贺知章草书孝经 [electronic resource] / (唐)贺知章书.
12. 杜诗書法集 [electronic resource] / 贾兰编著.
13. 王羲之草诀歌 [electronic resource] / 王羲之书.
14. 苏轼洞庭春色赋 [electronic resource] / 苏轼.
15. 宋克草书唐宋诗卷 [electronic resource] / 《中国墨迹经典》编委会.
16. 祝允明草书前后赤壁赋 [electronic resource] / 祝允明.
17. 五言对联书法1000条 [electronic resource] / 杨再春.
18. 六体书唐诗二十首 [electronic resource] / 吴建贤 王壮弘等书写.
19. 古诗文行书帖 [electronic resource] / 湖南美术出版社编著.
20. 晋王献之洛神赋十三行 [electronic resource] / 《历代碑帖法书选》编辑组编.
21. 元鲜于枢书苏轼海棠诗 [electronic resource] / 《历代碑帖法书选》
22. 行书《千字文》 [electronic resource] / 卢定山书.
23. 王景润行书《前后出师表》 [electronic resource] / 王景润书.
24. 孙鸿啸行书白居易《长恨歌》 [electronic resource] / 孙鸿啸书.



香港城市大學中國文化中心。中國文化導讀 – 第二版下冊。香港︰香港城市大學出版社。2001。

南兆旭主編 / 全景博物館叢書編委會編纂。中國書法博物館。鄭州︰海燕出版社。2003。



*Online Resource

National Palace Museum Chinese Calligraphy Books and Documents Digital Learning Course.

Interactive Encyclopedia.