Course Area / Requirement Academic Unit Level Term Cross Institutional GE
GE1101 - Chinese Cultural Heritage in Modern Perspective
Area 1 CAH B1, A1
GE1102 - Cinema East and West
Area 1 SCM B1
2024-25 Sem A

GE1105 - Chinese Music Appreciation
Area 1 CAH B1, A1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1106 - Chinese Art Appreciation
Area 1 CAH B1, A1
2024-25 Sem B

2024-25 Summer

GE1107 - Cities in Chinese History and Culture
Area 1 CAH B1, A1
GE1109 - Values and Justice in the Contemporary World
Area 1 PIA B1
GE1110 - Exploring Contemporary Art
Area 1 SCM B1, A1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1113 - Visual Storytelling and Cultural Thinking
Area 1 SCM B1
GE1117 - Music and Human Values: Philosophical Investigations
Area 1 PIA B1
GE1120 - Thinking Philosophically: Bridging the Gap between Arts and Sciences
Area 1 PIA B1
GE1121 - The Japanese Way of Tea: History, Arts, Architecture and Philosophy
Area 1 PIA B1
GE1125 - Architecture and Space in Chinese Culture
Area 1 CAH B1, A1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1126 - Law for Smart Consumers
Area 1 SLW B1
2024-25 Sem A

GE1127 - Money and Art: Exchange and Transaction As Themes in Art-works
Area 1 SCM B1, A1
2024-25 Sem B

GE1128 - Music for Film
Area 1 SCM B1, A1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1129 - Creative Photography
Area 1 SCM B1, A2
2024-25 Sem B

GE1130 - Introduction to Digital Media
Area 1 SCM B1, A1
2024-25 Sem B

GE1132 - Mind, Brain and Language: How Are Human Beings Special?
Area 1 LT B1
2024-25 Sem A

GE1136 - Animal Ethics, Welfare and Law – A Regulatory and Policy Review
Area 1 SLW B1
GE1137 - Movies and Psychology
Area 1 SS B1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1138 - Exploring Hong Kong: History, Culture and Society
Area 1 CAH B1, A1
2024-25 Sem A

GE1201 - Information Management and Its Social Impact
Area 2 IS B1
GE1202 - Managing Your Personal Finance
Area 2 EF B1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1204 - Living with the Unexpected and Unknown in Modern Society
Area 2 AC B1
2024-25 Sem B

GE1205 - Green Economics
Area 2 EF B1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

GE1206 - Accelerating Professional Growth on the Web
Area 2 IS B1, A1
GE1209 - Identity and Citizenship in a Globalized World
Area 2 PIA B1
2024-25 Sem B

GE1212 - Building Personal and Firm Images in the Digital Society
Area 2 IS B1
GE1214 - Citizens and Criminal Justice
Area 2 SLW B1
2024-25 Sem B

GE1216 - Loving Work, Working to Love
Area 2 MGT B1, A1
2024-25 Sem A

2024-25 Sem B

  • Area 1: Arts and Humanities
  • Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
  • Area 3: Science and Technology
  • University Requirements