English for Business Communication
2024-25 Sem A
2024-25 Sem B
2024-25 Summer
University Requirements
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Grade D in HKAL Use of English or Grade 4 in HKDSE or;
successful completion of English Academic Proficiency Courses
(EL0220, EL0222, EL0223 and EL0225 – 6 credits) or;
English for Academic Purposes (EL0200 – 6 credits) or;
English for Academic Purposes 2 (LC0200B/EL0200B – 3 credits) or;
Grade B or above in English for Academic Purposes 1 (LC0200A/EL0200A – 3 credits)

GE2402 English for Business Communication provides guidance on how global workplaces in Asia operate when using English as a lingua franca. It introduces students to various business spoken and written genres that are now commonly produced in such workplaces enabled by technology in business transactions. The genres include emails, meetings, pitches, proposals, presentations, job advertisements, resumes, cover letters, interviews, webpage texts, webchat exchanges and text messages. They are delivered through in-class activities that provide a series of authentic and memorable workplace scenarios based in an Asian-based company working globally and with a UK telecommunications company. The aim is to prepare students to become professional communicators as they do face-to-face and virtual business together in English. The assessments include writing a short proposal, giving a persuasive pitch with creative ideas, negotiating ideas and making decisions in a business meeting, and writing an email.

No course material highlight is available
CRN Section Term Type Capacity Day Time Building Room Instructor
10403 10403T61 2024-25 Sem A Tutorial 25 Mon 19:00:00 - 21:50:00 LI 1102
  • Mr. BRYSON Michael Patrick
  • 13525 13525T62 2024-25 Sem A Tutorial 25 Thu 19:00:00 - 21:50:00 LI 1110
  • Ms. Conny YAU
  • 10455 10455T32 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 2405  
    10328 10328T05 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG G5-216  
    10451 10451T22 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG G5-315  
    10334 10334T11 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 1312  
    14391 14391T31 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 2405  
    10339 10339T16 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 2413  
    10454 10454T25 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 YEUNG G5-315  
    10325 10325T02 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG P4704  
    10337 10337T14 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Mon 16:00:00 - 18:50:00 LAU 5-203  
    10606 10606T38 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1400  
    10329 10329T06 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1102  
    10341 10341T18 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1314  
    10456 10456T33 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG Y5-305  
    10509 10509T28 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 YEUNG Y5-205  
    10511 10511T30 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 YEUNG Y5-305  
    10332 10332T09 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 YEUNG Y5-303  
    10326 10326T03 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG Y5-303  
    10338 10338T15 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG G5-314  
    10483 10483T26 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Tue 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG Y5-205  
    10605 10605T37 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG Y5-204  
    10508 10508T27 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1312  
    10449 10449T20 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG G5-315  
    10331 10331T08 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG Y5-305  
    10458 10458T35 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 YEUNG Y5-304  
    10340 10340T17 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 YEUNG G5-315  
    10264 10264T01 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 2312  
    10453 10453T24 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG Y5-305  
    10333 10333T10 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG Y5-204  
    10607 10607T39 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 YEUNG G5-315  
    10330 10330T07 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Wed 16:00:00 - 18:50:00 LI 1310  
    10327 10327T04 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Thu 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG Y5-305  
    10336 10336T13 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Thu 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1310  
    10457 10457T34 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Thu 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1402  
    10450 10450T21 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1102  
    11681 11681T40 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 YEUNG Y5-204  
    10448 10448T19 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 1102  
    10510 10510T29 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 1400  
    10335 10335T12 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 2405  
    10452 10452T23 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 12:00:00 - 14:50:00 LI 1402  
    10604 10604T36 2024-25 Sem B Tutorial 25 Fri 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 LI 1402  
    10093 10093T02 2024-25 Summer Tutorial 25 Mon 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 LI 1100  
    10092 10092T01 2024-25 Summer Tutorial 25 Tue 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1100  
    10093 10093T02 2024-25 Summer Tutorial 25 Wed 15:00:00 - 17:50:00 LI 1402  
    10092 10092T01 2024-25 Summer Tutorial 25 Thu 09:00:00 - 11:50:00 LI 1100