Page 2 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 2

About City University of Hong Kong

             Motto 校訓

                    Officium et Civitas 敬業樂群
                       The University motto encapsulates our educational philosophy
                        and the attitude we want our students to develop. The first

                         two Chinese words 敬業 encompass the requirement to
                          combine academic professionalism and career ethics. The last
                            two words 樂群 emphasise personal growth and development,

                             and advocate group spirit and the need to care for society.
                              Officium et Civitas is the Latin translation for the motto.
                               Officium denotes a high-minded sense of duty. Civitas refers to

                                both town/city and union of citizens.

                      Vision 願景

                                    City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global
                                     university, excelling in research and professional education.

                         Mission 使命

                                          To nurture and develop the talents of students and to create
                                           applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic

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