Staff Computer Course - Course Outline

Modern Workplace – Microsoft Teams and OneDrive for General Users (CSC0001)

Date: 30 October 2023 (Mon)
Time: 16:00 -17:30 p.m.
Venue: LI-4208
Date: 29 December 2023 (Fri)
Time: 16:00 -17:30 p.m.
Venue: LI-4208

Course Outline:

  1. Teams
    • What is Teams?
    • What’s the difference between Teams and Zoom
    • The Teams Interface
    • Get started with Teams
      • Chat (1-on-1 chat, group chat, meeting chat)
      • Meetings (schedule/start a meeting, react, raise hand, and share screen during a meeting)
      • Explain what are Teams and Channels
    • Some Quick Tips for Teams
      • Change the notifications
      • Set your status
      • Change to dark theme
      • Enable/disable auto-start
    • Message features in Chats and Teams
      • Target people with @ sign
      • Edit or delete a message
      • Translate messages from another language
    • Practical case by Teams form to perform voting

  2. OneDrive
    • What is OneDrive?
      • Key features
      • OneDrive Files on-demand
      • Seamless integration with Outlook
      • File Restore
      • Recycle bin
      • Sync files across various platforms
    • Manage OneDrive
      • Sharing
      • Sync
      • Storage limit
      • Retention
  3. Collaboration
    • Sharing files to a Teams meeting from OneDrive
      • How to share a document from OneDrive in a Teams meeting
      • Grant access rights


Duration: 1.5 hours

Introduction to Microsoft Planner for Team Collaboration (CSC0002)

Date: 24 November 2023 (Fri)
Time: 16:00 -17:30 p.m.
Venue: LI-4109
Date: 26 January 2024 (Fri)
Time: 16:00 -17:30 p.m.
Venue: LI-4109

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction
    • What is Microsoft Planner?
    • Key features and benefits
  2. Getting Started with Microsoft Planner
    • Accessing Microsoft Planner
    • Navigating the interface
    • Creating a new plan
    • Understanding plan components (boards, tasks, buckets)
  3. Managing Tasks and Collaborating with the Team
    • Assigning tasks
    • Setting due dates and priorities
    • Adding task details and attachments
    • Organizing tasks into buckets
    • Links to Team
  4. Tracking Progress and Monitoring Work
    • Updating task status and progress
    • Using labels to categorize tasks
    • Filtering and sorting tasks
  5. Advanced Features and Tips
    • Creating checklists within tasks
    • Setting up notifications and reminders
    • How to delete a plan
    • How to reactivate a task
  6. Conclusion
    • Summary of key points
    • Q&A


Duration: 1.5 hours

Introduction to Microsoft 365 Copilot (CSC0053)

Date: 5 February 2024 (Mon)
Time: 10:00 -12:00 noon
Venue: LI-4109

Course Outline:

  1. What is M365 Copilot
  2. Copilot in Word/ PowerPoint/ Excel
  3. Copilot in Outlook
  4. Copilot in Teams
  5. Copilot in M365 Chat
  6. Copilot in OneNote/ Whiteboard/ Loop


Duration: 2 hours