Message from Editor-in-Chief

Message from Editor-in-Chief

A quote from The Analects of Confucius reads, “The public servant must be broad-shouldered and stout-hearted. His burden is heavy and his path is long. For humaneness is the burden he has taken on himself; is it not true that it is a heavy one to bear? Only with death does his journey end; is it not true that he has far to go?”

In our fast-paced society, the responsibility of intellectuals is greater than ever. Conscience demands that we figure out how to realise justice and implement fairness. Citizens and academics alike have worked tirelessly to find a strategy to help those in need and shine the spotlight on the importance of human dignity.

Professor Dennis WONG Sing-wing, Dr Annis FUNG Lai-chu and Dr Sylvia KWOK LAI Yuk-ching have worked pertinaciously to eliminate Hong Kong’s teen bullying and suicide crisis; at the request of the Macau government Professor Wing LO has drafted a 10-year plan to rehabilitate differently abled people in the region; to facilitate equality in society Dr Crystal JIANG Li and Dr Jan Michael Alexandre C BERNADAS have been studying how to help foreign domestic workers access proper healthcare information so they can find the appropriate medical care for their needs. These are just some of the examples of our College’s contribution to society.

Teachers should lead by example and those of us at CityU CLASS see it as our responsibility to support our students and to help them develop their talents and reach their goals in life. Our College’s “Elite Leaders Programme” and “International Community Service-Learning Programme” serve to expand our students’ horizons and to help them empathise with the hardships of those in foreign countries. Our students have thrived under the guidance of our teaching staff. Professor Peter JORDAN of the Department of English has introduced the element of theatre and drama into his classes and with his energetic performances he has duly received the University’s Teaching Excellence Award.

Dr Sylvia KWOK LAI Yuk-ching, Dr Oliver CHAN Heng-choon, Dr HO Wing-chung and Dr Julian LAI Chuk-ling from the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, with their six-level of study model have won the College’s Teaching Innovation Award (Group category). Dr HSIEH Chih-wei from the Department of Public Policy won the Teaching Innovation Award (Individual category) with his creative teaching of case studies, his hard work and numerous efforts that have exceeded the expectations of both the University and society.

Passing down knowledge, teaching, and helping students resolve doubts are the foundations of education, and they are highly regarded by the teachers and students of our College.