GE2304 - Foundations of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Systems Engineering
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
GE Area
Area 3: Science and Technology
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2024/25

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to help university students to understand the personal characteristics and thinking styles of an innovator and entrepreneur. It also aims to nurture students' innovation attitude, entrepreneurial spirit and team collaboration skills in a multi-disciplinary environment. The course will provide an opportunity for students from engineering and sciences, social sciences, and management fields to learn together in their own mock companies and play the roles of CEO and various other managers to simulate the innovation and entrepreneurship process. Students will learn the basic skills of discover real-life problems, generate new ideas, propose new products and plan new enterprises. They will then learn to analyse the feasibility of the product/service from both technical and managerial aspects and write a simple business plan as a group task, and then do a mock presentation.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Examination Duration: 2 hours
For a student to pass the course, at least 30% of the maximum mark for the examination should be obtained.
Detailed Course Information
