Computer Science
Advanced Standing II
Computer Science
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Computer Science
Normal Period of Study
2 years
Maximum Period of Study
5 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
72 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (12 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
University Requirements GE2410 English for Engineering 3
Distributional Requirements Take 1 course from any one of the three distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
College-specified Courses
CS2402 Introduction to Computational Probability Modeling
Take 1 course from the following list:
CB2100 Introduction to Financial Accounting
CB2300 Management
CB2500 Information Management
CB2601 Marketing
GE2313 Global IT Case Studies
GE2324 The Art and Science of Data
GE2338 Everyday Security - Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age
GE2340 Artificial Intelligence - Past, Present, and Future

College / School Requirements (0 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

Not required.

Major Requirements (60 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. Core Courses (45 credit units)

15 credit units are waived for students admitted into Advanced Standing II including courses CS2115, CS2204, CS2310, CS3201, JC2066

Required CS Courses - 40 credit units 

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS2312Problem Solving and Programming3
CS2611Seminars on Contemporary Technology I1
CS3103Operating Systems3
CS3334Data Structures3
CS3342Software Design3
CS3343Software Engineering Practice3
CS3402Database Systems3
CS3505IT Professional Internship9
CS4335Design and Analysis of Algorithms3

Required Supporting Courses - 5 credit units
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA2185Discrete Mathematics3
EN4262English Communication Skills for Computing2

2. Electives:
(15 credit units)

Electives: minimum 15 credit units from these electives
Students may choose any of the streams by taking 3 courses of the selected stream. For those who do not want to focus on a selected stream, they can take any 5 elective courses from the list.

Artificial Intelligence Stream : Stream Core

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS4486Artificial Intelligence3
CS4487Machine Learning3*Same course

 Choose one out of the following three courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS4186Computer Vision and Image Processing3#Same course
CS4386AI Game Programming3
CS4493Natural Language Processing3

 Data Science Stream: Stream Core

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS3481Fundamentals of Data Science3
CS4480Data-Intensive Computing3
CS4487Machine Learning3*Same course

Cybersecurity Stream : Stream Core
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS4286Internet Security and e-Commerce Protocols3
CS4293Topics in Cybersecurity3
CS4394Information Security and Management3

Multimedia Computing Stream : Stream Core
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS3483Multimodal Interface Design3
CS4182Computer Graphics3

 Choose one out of the following five courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS3189User-centred Interaction Design3
CS4185Multimedia Technologies and Applications3
CS4186Computer Vision and Image Processing3#Same course
CS4187Computer Vision for Interactivity3
CS4188Virtual Reality3

Software Engineering and Project Management Stream : Stream Core

Choose three out of the following four courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS3346Software Testing and Maintenance3
CS3356Managing Software Projects3Exclusive with IS4500
CS4348Software Quality Management3
CS4389Decentralized Applications Development3

Other Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS3185Computer Architecture3
CS3283Distributed Systems3
CS3382Web Usability Design and Engineering3
CS3391Advanced Programming3
CS4280Advanced Internet Applications Development3
CS4284Mobile Computing3
CS4285High Speed Multimedia Networks3
CS4288Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols3
CS4289Pervasive Computing3
CS4295Mobile Application Programming3
CS4296Cloud Computing3
CS4297Cloud Robotics and Automation3
CS4298iOS Application Development3
CS4367Computer Games Design3
CS4381Advanced Software Design3
CS4385Topics in Software Engineering3
CS4482Advanced Database Systems3
CS4485Information Retrieval3
CS4552Guided Study3
MA2172Applied Statistics for Sciences and Engineering3

Suggested Study Plan