AC5590 - Business Ethics for Professional Accountants and Company Secretaries

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Accountancy
Credit Units
Course Duration
One semester
Course Offering Term*:
Semester A 2019/20

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to explore the ethical dimensions of accounting and business practice, relationship of accounting and business ethics to general filed of ethics and the ethical foundations and theories upon which accounting and business practice are based from a global perspective. Through a combination of teaching and learning activities including interactive seminars where lectures are combined with class discussions and in-class exercises, group presentations and/or debates, we develop students’ ability to recognize issues in accounting and business practice that have ethical implications and improve students’ ability to deal with ethical dilemmas and make ethical decisions accordingly. Students will engage in discussions and debates of resolving ethical issues and dilemmas in accounting and business practice, both verbally and in written form, with appropriate supporting reasons and analyses, individually and in a team environment.

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Examination Duration: 3 hours
Detailed Course Information


Useful Links

Department of Accountancy