
正在显示 31 至 40 笔资料(共 41 笔资料)
The demand for knowledge of international accounting rules and practices, coupled with a desire to improve their English language skills, has prompted the accounting professionals in the mainland China to look for quality programmes with an international slant.
The annual Asia -Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (APJAE) Symposium was this year held in ShanghaiNthe first time the symposium has been held outside Hong Kong .
美國政府是否對安然、世界通訊及Global Crossing等一連串公司醜聞反應過敏?2002年7月通過的《反企業欺詐法案》(the Sarbanes-Oxley Act),是否能夠針對不斷增加的企業造假詐騙案提出對策、重建投資者信心?又或者,它只不過是另一條將打擊原本奉公守法的企業的惡法?美國最近的改革行動可否成為全球典範?
安然、世界通訊、Adelphia Communications、Tyco、International...。一連串似無止境的企業醜聞,不只令美國的投資者紛紛竄避,四處尋求疪護所,也在亞洲(包括香港)的上市公司及市場的監管者中掀起新一輪的自我檢討。究竟我們的上市公司是否管治良好?企業的董事及行政人員是否如實地向公眾交待公司的業務狀況?市場監管者又是否對企業的生態變化有足夠的醒覺,能保證大小公司都可在公平誠實的基礎上運作及競爭呢?
More than 130 international accounting professionals shared their latest research and insights into contemporary accounting and auditing issues at CityU's Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics Symposium on 3 and 4 January.
In his 2001-2002 budget speech, the Financial Secretary said it is imperative that Hong Kong "continue to enhance our corporate governance" as an international financial centre, even though this standard is among the highest in the region.



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