A Concise History of Human Civilization: The World through Chinese Eyes (Volume 1 & 2) (Bilingual edition)

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歷史是人類文明承傳的紀錄。學習歷史不但可以鑑古知今,還可以提高我們對人文活動的認識和關懷。香港現在的歷史教育把中國歷史和世界歷史劃分為兩個互不統屬的科目,但世界上沒有一個國家是完全孤立的,它的歷史也不可能不受到其他地區的影響。因此,我們應全面地看它們的關係和發展的過程。 本書以中國為經、世界其他地區為緯,嘗試把人類錯綜複雜的歷史整合起來,構成一幅比較完整的圖畫,讓讀者看到先祖的起源和人類的發展。全書記述的歷史跨度宏大全面,從史前到現代,從中國到世界,從人類文明的起源到朝代的興替,是一本普及版世界歷史書籍。


History is the record of the inheritance of human civilization. Studying history not only enables us to know the present by looking at the past but also heightens our understanding of and concern for humanistic activities. The education system in Hong Kong separates Chinese history and World history into two unrelated subjects. However, no country in the world is totally isolated whose history could be impervious to the influence of other nations. We must comprehensively take into full account these relationships and their process of development.

A matrix is used in this book to present the rather complicated historical materials of human history, with the vertical axis representing the Chinese civilization and the horizontal axis those of other nations, in an attempt to reconstruct a comparatively complete picture so as to present to the reader the origin of our ancestors and the progress of humankind. The history encompassed is vast and comprehensive, from prehistory to that of Modern times, from China to the world, from the origin of human civilization to the rise and fall of dynasties. This is, in scope, a world history for the general reader.

The book is especially suitable for secondary school and university students as well as people interested in Chinese and world history.

Pub. Date
Jul 1, 2017
724 pages
180 x 255 mm

(Contents of Volume I)


01       Out of Primal Chaos

02       Evolution of the Universe  

03       The Stone Age  

04       Human Species and Languages

The Ancient Period

05       The Four Great Civilizations  

06       Africa and the Americas in the Early Times

07       Hellenistic Civilization

08       Periods of the Spring-Autumn and the Warring States

09       The Founding and Spread of Buddhism

10       The Qin Dynast

11       The Han Dynasty

12       The Roman Empire

13       Jewish Civilization and the Founding and Spread of Christianity

14       Science and Technology before the Common Era

15       Literature and the Arts before the Common Era

16       The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and the Split of Christianity  

17       Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties: Split in the Country  

18       Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties: National and Cultural Integration

The Middle Ages 

19       Sui-Tang and the Five Dynasties

20       Korea and Japan in the Early Times

21       Southeast Asia in the Early Times

22       The Song Dynasty

23       The Founding and Spread of Islam and the Rise of the Arab Empire

24       Europe in the Early and High Periods of the Middle Ages

25       The Rise of Russia

26       The Mongol Empire encompassing Europe and Asia

27       The Ming Dynasty

28       Europe in the Late Middle Ages

29       Cultural Developments before the Renaissance

30       The Renaissance in Europe

The Early Modern Period

31       The Protestant Reformation

32       International Trade and Voyages of Discovery

33       Sea Hegemony and the Scramble for Colonies

34       Africa and South Asia during the Colonial Period

35       Southeast Asia and Australasia during the Colonial Period

36       The Early Qing Period

37       The Enlightenment in Europe

38       The First Industrial Revolution

39       The American War of Independence

40       The French Revolution

41       The Meiji Restoration in Japan

42       The Late Qing Period

馮以浤,香港大學文學士及教育碩士學位。曾任拔萃男書院運動主任、香港大學明原堂舍監兼教育系講師、香港中文大學教育學院高級講師兼課程與教學系主任。退休後,嘗任香港中文大學榮譽副教授。馮先生從事教育工作多年,專研地理教育、課外活動和學生運動,對中學的中國語文和中國歷史教學工作也有豐富的經驗和一定的心得。近年著作有To Serve and To Lead: A History of the Diocesan Boys’ School, Hong Kong(與陳慕華合著)、《立足神州看世界:人類文明簡史》、《小河淌水:退休教師憶流年》等,譯著包括《胸肺疾病手冊》、《林護:孫中山背後的香港建築商》等。 譯者 張曼儀,香港大學文學士、美國哥倫比亞大學文學碩士、英國華威大學翻譯學博士,現任香港大學中文學院榮譽副教授。自1967年起在香港大學任教翻譯及現當代文學近三十年。著有《卞之琳著譯研究》、《翻譯十談》等。其英譯著作包括The Carving of Insects(合譯,獲美國筆會2007年度翻譯獎)、The First and Second Buddhist Councils: Five Versions(合譯)、A Full Load of Moonlight: Chinese Chan Buddhist Poems(合譯)、Xu Zhimo: Selected Poems(合譯)等。

作者訪問: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARGT_24HA8w&list=UULe6FfnRBvxvWzo9gc8s6mQ&index=509