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By Gaargi SHARMA (Alumni Civility Hall)

You get peace of mind not by thinking about it or imagining it, but by relaxing the restless mind.” It is essential for all of us to stay calm and focused during this time when exam fever is not uncommon. For me, it is very difficult to stay focused if there is noise not only outside but also within my mind. I can have intense study sessions only when the environment matches my needs. Here is what helps me:


Time: Some people have a tendency to work well in the morning while others prefer mid-day, evening or even night. Based on your preferred schedule, study for the most challenging courses during that time. Your mind will be at peace and alert!

People: If you’re a ‘group’ person, you should ensure that you study with group members who are compatible with your learning style. Do NOT try to experiment with your group members just a few days before exams. Failure to work well with a group might make you more nervous! Decide beforehand if you prefer to study alone or in small groups or in large classes.

Place: Study in a quiet place, with as few distractions as possible. My mother always told me not to listen to music because it is unlikely that two things can be done together if one of them is studying! But if you prefer music, make sure that you use headphones to avoid any inconvenience to the people studying around you.

Yourself: Do not forget about YOURSELF! Make sure that you eat healthy food and sleep well. One of my secret tips is to observe your breathing to calm your mind down. Simply focus on taking slow deep breaths. This stabilizes you!

Reward yourself for achieving the targets and remember - “For every minute you are worried, you lose sixty seconds of peace of mind.
 ResLink wishes you all Good Luck and Peace :)