Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of RCCL, explains that excessive optimism about RCEP’s role to contain regional spats should be curbed, due to the partnership’s underdeveloped architecture. “At best, RCEP would play a critical role in promoting and reinforcing regional production networks … and even by tackling behind-the-border issues relevant to supply chains and production networks,” Professor Julien Chaisse said. “RCEP is an Asean-led treaty. In this project, both Australia and China are not at the centre. Instead, it is Asean that operates centre stage, and Asean has a long history of putting national sovereignty and self-interest first.”. Read the full article here: Su-Lin Tan, “Australia keen on penning RCEP trade pact this year despite disputes with China”, South China Morning Post, 10 July 2020 <https://amp-scmp-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/amp.scmp.com/economy/global-economy/article/3092602/australia-keen-penning-rcep-trade-pact-year-despite-disputes/>.