Dr. Alicia An’s paper is accepted to Nature Communications and featured as the Editors’ Highlights

Dr. Alicia An’s paper titled “Transforming Ti3C2Tx MXene’s intrinsic hydrophilicity into superhydrophobicity for efficient photothermal membrane desalination” is accepted to Nature Communications (Impact factor: 14.919 and it is in press now (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31028-6). It is being featured as the Editors’ Highlights. The Editors’ Highlights aim to showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area (https://www.nature.com/collections/eecgdgijhh).

Membrane distillation is susceptible to thermal inefficiency and membrane wetting issues during seawater desalination.  In collaboration with Prof. Zuankai Wang (Department of Mechanical Engineering, CityU), the team designs a MXene-engineered membrane that imparts efficient localized photothermal effect and strong water repellency, achieving sustainable freshwater production.

thermal mass transfer