UGC Academic Quality Audit on Sub-degree Operations 2018

The UGC, in 2016, has assumed the role of the overseeing body of the external quality audits on the sub-degree operations of the UGC-funded universities, with the involvement of the QAC as the audit operator. The quality audits on sub-degree operations were hence commenced in end 2016. QAC’s approach to the audits is based on the principle of “fitness for purpose”. Audit Panels consider the nature and strength of the operations in terms of the vision, mission and goals of the university and the Sub-degree Providing Units (SDPUs) within it. The degree of alignment between the SDPUs and the university’s vision, mission, goals and strategic priorities is also considered.

The Audit Panel evaluates the University in terms of:
  • governance, management, university planning and accountability
  • approach to programme quality assurance
  • curriculum design, programme development and approval processes
  • programme delivery, including pedagogical approaches, learning environments and resources, scheduling
  • support for teaching quality including pedagogical development
  • student learning assessment
  • student participation and student support services
  • systems for acting on quality assurance data to make ongoing enhancements to student learning

UGC Audit Report (English) (Chinese)
Institutional Response to Audit Findings (English) (Chinese)
Progress Report (English) (Chinese)