CityU-Learning Classroom for Secondary School Students – Reflections from Students

It is our pleasure to have received many amazing pieces of post-lecture reflections from the talented junior learners. Below is a collection of the works. Join us at the CityU-Learning Classrooms for the unique experience. Enjoy!


Understand the Language of Life with AI

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Metallic glass: Is it a metal or a glass? 淺談金屬玻璃

Health Data Science, AI and Precision Medicine

Nanotechnology and its applications in electronics

Invisible Armour: The Power of Sunscreen

The Afterlife of Smartphones

Turnabout: Math in Courtroom 逆轉法庭: 法庭裏的數學

The RNA World: Past, Present, and Future

Intelligent Air Transportation Systems for Future Mobility

Light Generation and Conversion by Luminescent Materials

Fire Risk at Your Home

The Chemicals We Are Discharging into the Environment


Is Accounting Tool to Fool?


Reading English Poetry

Bilingual Babies and Their Linguistic World


The Science, Law and Politics of Climate Change

Work Relationships in the Gig Economy: Who is an 'Entrepreneur'?

User's Liability for Publications, Likes and Reposts on Social Media Platforms

‘Equity’ in Contract Law: Beyond What You Think It Means

AI Creators, Data Mining and Copyright

Social Sciences

Psychology Encounter

Social Welfare and People Living under Poverty

Media Effects on Society

Sustainable Development and the Future of Hong Kong

Vet & Life Sciences

Animal parasites are more clever than what we thought

Decoding cancer: Path to find new treatments

The Genetic Basis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Veterinarian - A Profession Full of Opportunities and Challenges