Reflection on “Intelligent Air Transportation Systems for Future Mobility”

By SO Ka Ying Kathy, Pui Kiu Middle School

How self-driving planes will help airlines?

Cargo charters tend to have amore complex navigation and flight control requirements, and when it comes to cargo charters, the number of pilots required will be reduced from three to one. This does not only save costs for airlines, but also solve the current global shortage of qualified pilots. Also by removing the pilot from the complex concerns about pilot error could also be quelled.

A resource-efficient and sufficient future mobility for improved well-being in world. Introduction and current dilemma of human mobility, historically, spatial mobility has been a crucial characteristic of human development (migration, the exchange of attitudes, values and knowledge or the spread of wealth) and civilisation. While mobility in its early stage was rather characterized by self-sufficiency, sustain ability and a low level of transportation, present mobility is usually the opposite. It may affect transportation, business, energy so we can use the intelligent to convenient.