Board of Undergraduate Studies

BUS Constitution

Chairman Associate Provost (Academic Affairs)
Deputy Chairman Elected by and from among members
Ex-officio Members (a) Associate Provost (Quality Assurance and Accountability)
(b) Associate Provost (Student Life)
(c) Director, Talent and Education Development Office
Members (a) Two members nominated from each College
(b) One member nominated from each School
(c) Three faculty members appointed by the Provost in consultation with the President
(d) Two undergraduate students appointed by the Board from the pool nominated annually by each of the Colleges and Schools
In Attendance Director, Admissions Office
Director, Academic Regulations and Records Office
Director, Student Development Services
Chief Information Officer
Head, Chan Feng Men-ling Chan Shuk-lin Language Centre
Secretary Appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Undergraduate Studies

The term of office of the nominated and appointed members shall be two years with a staggered arrangement. The term of office of student members shall be one year.