CityU Virtual Undergraduate Open Day

The CityU Virtual Undergraduate Open Day will be held on 19 March 2022 (Saturday). You are welcome to join our online talks and interact with our faculty members.

Live Talks
Topic: Special Topic in Physics - Superconductor
物理專題講座 - 超導體
  Superconductors – materials that conduct electricity without energy dissipation and repel magnetic fields completely when the temperature is below a threshold value. After more than a century since its first discovery in 1911, superconductivity remains one of the most fascinating and challenging topics in physics today. In this talk, we will introduce the basic principles and applications of superconductivity. We will also walk through the journey in searching room-temperature superconductors and review the recent discoveries.
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Speaker: Dr. YU Wing Chi (Assistant Professor)
Language: Cantonese
Meeting Link: Please click here to watch the recording


Topic: Special Topic in Physics - Quantum Technology 
物理專題講座 - 量子科技
  Classical physics, which includes Newton Mechanics, Maxwell Electromagnetism and Boltzmann Thermodynamics, has successfully explained all the physical phenomena before 19th century. Around 1900, several experiments, including photo-electric effect and thermal radiation, cannot be explained by classical physics. This gives rise to the birth of quantum mechanics, which successfully explains the atomic world. In the past, quantum mechanics is only explored by scientists in the laboratory. Nowadays, big companies, such as Google and IBM, have put a lot of effort for developing quantum computer, transferring from science to technology. Just similar to transistor, quantum technology will revolutionize nowadays technology. This talk will guide you through the past, present and future of quantum.
在十九世界以前,古典物理學(包括了Newton力學,Maxwell電磁學,Boltzmann熱力學)成功解釋了當時所有物理現象。但到了1900年左右,古典物理不能解釋一些實驗(如光電效應和熱輻射)。量子力學就在這背景下誕生,它成功解釋了原子世界的行為。在過去,量子力學一直屬於實驗室與科學家的範圍。至今,科技巨頭Google和IBM 研發量子電腦,把量子科學轉化為量子科技。量子科技將會和以前的電晶體一樣,引領科技新的一波革命。本次演講將帶給你量子旅程,從過去,現在到將來。
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Speaker: Dr. HOI Io Chun (Associate Professor)
Language: Cantonese
Meeting Link:  Please click here to watch the recording


Please visit the event website for the full list of activites.

11 March 2022  #PHY  #UG